Gut Feeling

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"Gut Feeling"

Hunter's POV

I've been worried all day, who the heck was that guy and what was he doing near my son? When I got home I set all the kids up at the coloring table and looked in the fridge to find something to make for dinner. I decided on stuffed peppers and started to get all the ingredients out when Eleanor walked in the door. We both exchanged looks that said we'll talk later and both went on to making dinner.

Once it was done we all sat down and started to eat. The twins played around in it since the rice and hamburg looked to them more like a new toy then food. Nat happily piled the food into her mouth, this being her favorite dish she usually inhaled it. "Nat, smaller bites sweetie." I said laughing at her. She giggled and slowed down. I looked over at Eleanor and she was just pushing the food around on the plate, she was clearly preoccupied and I'm pretty sure I know why. "El, baby you okay?" I asked. Her head shot up, "Hmm, yah I'm fine." She said taking a bite of food to try to cover up whatever was bothering her. I didn't want to talk to her about what happened at the hospital because I didn't want to scare the kids or stress out Eleanor more then she already was. I went to put the kids to bed then went back to the kitchen to find Eleanor cleaning the dishes. "So that guy at the hospital today, you said you've never seen him before?" I asked while getting the Ben & Jerry's out of the freezer. "No, I've never seen him anywhere, here or Vermont." She said looking up as if she were trying to think. "I'm really have no idea but I'm really getting worried." She said sniffling and turning around. "Hey hey hey, I'm sure everything will be okay, there isn't any need to worry." I said wrapping her in a hug and shushing her. We spent the rest of the night eating Ben & Jerry's and slow dancing.

Eleanor's POV

I woke up the next morning expecting to see Hunter sleeping next to me but instead I was left with an empty half of the bed, and a note.

"Good morning baby,

As you've probably already guessed I'm not there. I got called into the studio early but I should be done around on so we can go do some shopping and go out to eat. Love and miss you tons!!

P.S. You look really cute this morning! :)

I sighed and got up, Lynette and Leo were taking the kids today so I guess I'd better get them up and ready, then I'll go over and see my little man before Hunter gets done. Once ident the kids off I went to the hospital. When I got there I saw over 10 cop cars and a swat team out front. I got out of the car and asked one of the cops what was going on. He said the hospital called a code pink and they've shut down not letting anyone in or out. Acids link is only used when someone is attempting to kidnap one of the newborns. "Oh my god Aiden... No..." I whispered.

All I could do was wait, I felt so helpless. I was frozen and so confused. I didn't know for sure if it was Aiden but I had a gut feeling. About an hour later a cop came over to me. "Are you Mrs. Hayes?" He asked. "Yes." I said gulping trying to prepare myself for what he was going to say. "Well we have some bad news." "Oh god no." I said gasping. "The man who took your son is inside demanding that he sees you, he thinks for some reason that you are his wife and that is his son. He won't come out unless he gets to talk to you." He explains. "Um, are you sure that's safe?" I questioned not thinking about my sons life, how selfish of me. I would do anything to keep him safe. "We have a plan but you have to trust us." He said confidently. "Okay I'll do it." I said without hesitation. They escorted me to the door and I was let in, as soon as I went in I was brought to the nursery. There sat the strange man who was holding my son yesterday. He was cradling Aiden in his arms feeding him. "Hello Natasha." The man said. I remembered what the cop said. "If you want your son back, you need to play along to his demands." "Hello Jack." I replied.

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