twenty one

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"Do you know the code Ms. James?" the driver inquires, and I tell him that I do. Once I punch in the gate code, it opens. The driver travels up Harry's winding driveway and allows me to exit upon arrival of the house. The house is illuminated by lights, contrasting the dark sky. He drives away and I walk up to the door, opening it. When I walk in, I move in towards the dining room and I see that the kitchen light is dim. My feet pad along the ground and I find Harry in the kitchen.

I smile as I watch him cook, my footsteps triggering him to look over at me. As I walk closer, he sends a smile my way. He stops what he's doing simply to meet me, grabbing my face between his hands.

"Hello baby," he whispers against my lips, causing me to blush. He kisses me before I manage to get a word out, my eyes closing with the feeling. When he pulls away, he lifts his head and kisses my forehead. The action makes me melt; almost falling if it weren't for Harry's hold on me.

"How are you feeling?" he asks, moving back over to the stovetop. It smells of Italian food in his huge kitchen.

"A lot better. I'm happy that you're home," I tell him as I take a seat at the counter. My words trigger a response, his head tilting to look at me with a soft smile.

"I didn't mean to be on the road so long. I held the time difference to ensure you were never called too early or too late. New York is way too far," he tells me, my eyes widening.

"I thought you were only going to Liverpool?" I inquire, his head shaking.

"They had to change the schedule to fit in all the important meetings. The main publisher is in New York so we flew there. I didn't want to worry you; the distance is a lot. I was hesitant to even go but I knew if I didn't the publicity of the manuscript wouldn't go as well," he tells me, my lips forming an 'o'.

"Besides, I'm here now and I get to spend as much time with you as I can," he says, his words gentle as if he is relieved his time of stressful work is over.

I watch as he walks over, setting pasta and chicken on plates for the two of us. He pours me a glass of wine and takes a seat beside me.

"How are you otherwise?" he asks, the two of us feasting as we make simple conversation.

"Good, good. When you called, Tiana and I were having deep conversation about the book we had just read," I share, his lips curving.

"Let me guess, Shepherd's new novel?" he smirks playfully, and I smile. As I give him my 'yes', I playfully nudge his shoulder and he leans towards me. He kisses my hair and I blush, knowing that I don't want this feeling with anyone else but him.

"Do you like it?" he asks, and due to the food in my mouth, I can only nod.

"The author has a really neat style to the words. Tiana and I are stumped on if the author is a male or female. It's such a good plot though," I explain, his eyes interested in what I say.

"From the little bit we read, I vaguely recall saying it seemed like a male author," he says, and then I remember the night I read to him.

"From your pretty little lips, the words were foreign. It's meant to be a man talking."

His words resonate in my mind. It was such a deep interpretation and the things we discussed and what he shared with me made me see the novel in a whole new light. Perhaps I was too involved with what I was reading that our conversation slipped my mind.

"Now that you say that, I remember that. Perhaps it is a male author. But the feeling expressed in the words, it sounds too good to be true. Whoever the author is, is incredibly in touch with their feelings and perhaps the utmost passionate person to ever write a love story," I ramble, sipping my wine shortly after. When I turn to look at Harry, he has a soft smile on my face and his eyes catch mine.

"You really like these books," he states, and I can't help but laugh. I probably look like a fangirl for Holden Shepherd.

"They're really good," I blush and he just runs his hand over the length of my thigh. He leans in and kisses my cheek.

"It's cute," he whispers in my ear, standing up. He takes our now empty plates and I watch him wash them. It doesn't take long before he takes a seat beside me again.

"How was New York though?" I now ask him, his hand grabbing mine.

"It was alright. I'll have to take you there sometime. It's a very fast-paced, intriguing place. Way too much to see," he explains, and I smile.

"It sounds cool," I say, and I can see him leaning closer to me. His elbow sets on the counter at such a perfect height that his hand can rest on my cheek. Harry looks at me closely, studying my features and I feel his thumb slowly circles over the material of my jeans.

"I thought about you a lot while I was there," he says softly, a little louder than a whisper. My stomach fills with butterflies, my head leaning closer into his touch. I feel his thumb run over my cheekbone and I find myself enticed by his touch.

"I thought about you a lot too," I tell him, my comfort found in the gleam of his green eyes. My gaze is drawn to his cherry lips, tinted a shade darker because of the red wine.

"What were you thinking about?" he wonders, his hand moving further up my thigh to rest on my waist. The intensity of the moment is beginning to grow and I can start to feel myself growing closer to the urge to be with him.

"How much I wanted to be with you again," I tell him, the tip of his thumb brushing over the outline of my lips. The touch his places to my body is so gentle; unrushed and so seductive. Harry is an unbelievably attractive man and it's a wonder how I got to be so lucky to be seated right in front of him.

"Trust me, baby. I wanted to be with you the entire time I had to spend away from you," he says, a certain huskiness protruding through his words. The feeling of his touch on my lips is drawing me closer to wanting him; letting him take me in all that I am. No man has ever come close to making me feel this way; just by touching my lips Harry has me completely seduced.

"I wish I could have had you next to me in bed every night, just to be able to touch you," he whispers, his hand running under my shirt to set his hand on my bare waist. My eyes close, unable to know if it's because I'm so turned on or if I'm afraid to look into his eyes.

"I wish I could have reached over to touch your waist, feel the curve of your body against mine," he smoothly speaks, his body standing up in front of mine. I can tell he's feeling the same way I am; wanting the other. We're attracted to each other in a way I have yet to wrap my head around, but right now, all I know is I want him. I want all of him and I want to give him all of me.

"The things I could do to you Rhiannon," he whispers, moving both his hands to my waist. He slowly moves them up, brushing my curves and touching the outsides of my breasts. The feeling alone sends a chill through me, my body so turned on by him.

"Those beautiful doe eyes that I love to look into," he says, my eyes opening to look up at him. His eyes drop down to my lips as I draw my bottom one between my teeth, his hands resting on my neck.

He drops his head down and I part my lips, welcoming his in a kiss. It starts slow; seductive as our lips move together to stimulate even more arousal. Then it gradually deepens, our tongues brushing together. In order to keep our kiss, his hands move to my cheeks. My body clenches as I attempt to control just how hot I'm feeling right now, but I know Harry is feeling the same way.

We're drawn to each other; compelled to be with the other. 

A Compelling Motive (h.s.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang