I wake up on a soft bed, with a ceiling fan spinning fast above me. I sit up and look around me. "Oh must have got out from the elevator." I get off the bed and walk around the suite.

Lee Hoseok: were you able to get out of the elevator

Y/N: Yeah, I woke up in my suite

Lee Hoseok: that's good, how long was it?

Lee Hoseok: 2 hours?

Y/N: About that

Y/N: I think I passed out

Lee Hoseok: with all of you guys in there plus luggage, yeah I bet you did

Y/N: I don't even know who even brought me into my room

Lee Hoseok: me
~not sent

Lee Hoseok: maybe Wonho carries you bridal style and laid you gently and then kissed your forehead 🤓😏

Lee Hoseok: bc that's exactly what I did
~not sent

Y/N: Yeah right

Lee Hoseok: you never know

Y/N: He might've carried me but that's it

Lee Hoseok: So he's still carrying you rn

Y/N: No, he had to lay me down

Lee Hoseok: But you said that he might've just carried you

Y/N: i didn't mean it like that 

Lee Hoseok: Sounded like that

Y/N: Well too bad

Lee Hoseok: Uh no, you gotta learn how to use your words correctly

Y/N: I bet you use your hoe -y words to grab girls

Lee Hoseok: Uh What no

Y/N: Uh What yes


Ahh finally here!!

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Ahh finally here!!

~comments disabled for this post~


mork_lee: no funny business ok? Just accept her reaction

hoseokie: why is it gonna be bad

mork_lee: I'm just warning you

hoseokie: are you still jealous

mork_lee: I've moved on

mork_lee: Y/N dislikes secrets kept from her so good luck

hoseokie: Thanks I guess

mork_lee: have fun :)


Beach here we come! 😈 @soft_bby

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Beach here we come! 😈 @soft_bby

[Sorry you can't mention @soft_bby bc this user has blocked you]

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