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~Wednesday night~


Wonho "pecks" Katie's neck, leaving a hickey. "I need to go to practice now cream puff, I'll call you after, ok?" Katie nods and walks her boyfriend to the door.

"Promise you'll call me?" She asks after him as he went down the front steps. He looks back and winks. "Promise." Katie smiles and waves bye. She watched him go until she couldn't see him anymore.


Wonho called after five hours. Katie, who was on the urge of falling asleep, lazily picked up her phone, letting the brightness hit her.

"Hey babe." She sleepily says, getting out of bed and going to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"Were you sleeping? Sorry I woke you up."

"No it's fine, I was going to get up anyways." Katie opens the fridge and pulls out a bowl of fruits that she prepared.

"What are you doing now?"

"Eating fruits, you?"

"Taking a break and talking to you. Save me a peach." He answers, laying against the wall of StarShip building.

"But I only have one left.... I was going to eat it."

"Eat it and see what happens to you tonight sweetheart." Wonho deeply said through the phone.

"Hmm really? If I don't eat it, I blame it on you and I'll dominate your whole existence. Try me hoe."

"I am not a hoe baby girl." Wonho laughs quietly and looks down at his feet.

"You probably should be going back to practice."

"I should cream puff, but I want to continue talking to you."

"Hmmm hoe alert! Jk, I need to tell you something anyways." She giggles, taking a grape from the bowl.

"What is it you need to tell me?"

"This Friday, a new movie is coming out, wanna go see it?"

"Sure, I'm free this Friday." Wonho looks at the night sky above him.

"Cool, see you then. Muah Wonhoe."

"Yep, bye bye cream puff."

Katie hangs up first and looks at the peach in the bowl. She picks it up and takes a bite. Then another, until it was all gone.


I wait for my step brother Changkyun in the lobby of StarShip Entertainment. Ugh, he dragged me here to wait five hours him to finish practice!? He better be paying for the ice cream...

"Let's go now." He comes back, sweating like crazy. He had his bag over his shoulder and was panting. "I'll carry that for you." I take the bag away from him.

"Thanks." He plops down on the chair I was sitting on. "Man, they really wore you out." I sit next to him and place the bag on the seat next me.

"We don't have to get ice cream, you seem very beat." I tell him, trying not to show I regret what I said.

"But I promised you...." He stammers, as he leaned back. "Aww you squish." I pinch his cheeks. "Yeah I mean it Y/N."

I smile softly. "Ok then, take a shower real quick. I'll wait. Again." The company provides showers for the idols and trainees so I suggest that he really showers right away.

"Alright." He gets up and takes his bag. "I won't take long." "You you better not."

Changkyun known as I.M of MONSTA X is my step brother. My dad and his mom got married last year. We clicked after five months. We treat each other like we're siblings by blood.

Thirty minutes later, he comes back clean, with a new outfit on. He seems not tired anymore.

We then go out for ice cream.


Why isn't she answering? I walk around my house, waiting for Y/N to text me. She's supposed to answer if she can go to the movies with me this Friday. I already bought the tickets.

Y/N: What Mark

Mark: So?

Y/N: Yeah, I'll be able to go with you

Mark: Good, I already bought the tickets

Y/N: What if I said no

Mark: I still would've made you come with me

Y/N: you don't make my decisions you dork

Mark: Yet you still need me to tie your shoes for you

Y/N: It's hard, ok? Do you want me to come or not

Mark: Yes, you're coming to the movies with me

Y/N: Ok then, I'll see you this Friday

Mark: Aight bish

Y/N are childhood friends since the day we were born. She still doesn't know how to tie her shoes though which is hilarious.

I might have a tiny crush on her though.

It's a secret, don't tell anyone, ok?


"What flavor do you want?" Changkyun asked me, reading all the flavors the ice cream place had.

"Uhh I'll get that one." I point to the one that said 'Caramel Cappuccino'. "Ew that flavor is so gross." A kid said from behind us.

"Ew I found a flavor even more gross." I said back, stepping on his toe.

Changkyun breaks us apart. "Sorry for her behavior." Changkyun turns me around and keeps his hand on my shoulder so I wouldn't have the urge to fight the kid behind us.

"I'm not your kid Changkyun." I frown as Changkyun orders for us and pays.

"You act like a kid sometimes. You even don't know how to tie your shoes and you're twenty."

We get our ice creams and sit at a table to eat.

"Thanks for paying." I tell my step brother. "Of course."

"It's so hard to tie shoes, it's a real problem and difficulty. Velcro is much easier, but ugly looking." I argue, eating my ice cream. The kid who said my flavor ice cream was gross walks by with disgust.

I stick out my tongue at him. "This is so delicious kid you wish you had some!"


"You ate the peach? I guess you really want to be punished Katie?"

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