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At the end of the day, Wonho takes me to this high place where you could all of Seoul. It was golden hour, the sky looking like a golden potato chip. We sat on the grass and looked out silently, listening to the noise of the busy cars.

I broke the silence with a loud sneeze. This startled Wonho and then made him chuckle. "Bless you."

"Thanks." I sniff, rubbing my bare arms. Wonho notices and takes off his jacket, placing it on my shoulders.

"Aren't you going to get cold?" I ask, feeling guilty for having his jacket. He shakes his head. "I'd rather be cold instead of you." Wonho replies, elbowing me for a brief second. I shyly smile, adjusting his jacket.

"Thank you, that means a lot." I look down on the grass, trying to hide the blush on my cheeks. I then glance up at him and see him looking at me with a soft smile.

"Hi." He said.
"Hey." I awkwardly said back with a higher voice, feeling nervous.

We both look into each other's eyes, not saying a word. I can feel my heart beating fast. I need to ignore this feeling. Ignore my feelings for an idol who I'm way out of his league.

"What's your zodiac sign?" He curiously asks, causing an abrupt shift in the awkwardness. "Cancer."

"Cool I'm a-"

"Pisces." I cut him off. Wonho widens his eyes and then smiles. "You're my-"

"Ultimate bias."

I slowly close my mouth and turn red of embarrassment. Wonho continues.

"Changkyun told me before we met you. I don't mind, unless of you stalk my personal life."

I shake my head no. "That's creepy, only a creep would do that. I'm not a creep." I tell him with a small and quick wink. "I just know the basics."

Wonho cutely grins, looking away from me. "Have you ever been told you are precious?" He asks, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Yes and no."


I sigh, stretching out my legs. Wonho lays down on the grass, facing the soon not to be potato chip sky. He puts his hands underneath his head. "I'm listening."

"Well my ex boyfriend Jung Jihoon –ew I don't like saying that name– told me that on our one year anniversary. My innocent self believed that he actually meant it." I pause and glance at Wonho to see if he was still listening.

And he was. He had a fixed gaze in my figure and nodded.

"And then the next day I went to his house to surprise him......."

The potato chip burned.


"Y/N?" Wonho repeats, sitting back up. I look to my left, the opposite direction so he couldn't see my teary face. I sniffle left my nose.

"You don't have to finish the story."

"Instead he surprised me by doing the do with this girl he kept calling his 'precious bby girl'. I thought I was the only precious one. I thought that I made him happy. I thought–" and that's when I burst. I let it all out. All my feelings to my bias Wonho.

Wonho stands up silently. I look up at him, just really seeing the outline of his body. He sticks out his hand. I reach for it and take it. He quickly helps me up and engulfs me into a sudden hug.

"Jihoon lost the game." Was the only words spoken from him.


hoseokie: My heart is confused

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