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Y/N: Do you ever wonder how you're going to die?

Lee Hoseok: Sometimes

Y/N: Yeah I just went on this fortune telling website and it told me I'm gonna die in a car accident when I'm 66 listening to rock music

Lee Hoseok: My love for you has killed me
~not sent

Lee Hoseok: Dang that's uh......

Y/N: I know, deep?

Lee Hoseok: Mhm

Lee Hoseok: I one time thought I would die of cancer since my grandmother had it when I was five

Y/N: Ooook

Y/N: Sorry for your loss

Lee Hoseok: She's cancer free now

Y/N: Oh


Y/N: Congrats! :)

Lee Hoseok: Thanks, but she's just really old now

Lee Hoseok: and mute ever since my grandfather passed away two years ago

Y/N: Aw, I hope she's ok, does she need any help?

Y/N: I'd be happy to help

Lee Hoseok: It's ok, she has a caretaker

Y/N: Alright

Y/N: So what do you like do for fun?

Lee Hoseok: Talk to you  💋

Y/N: aweee, that's so sweet

Y/N : No but really what do you do for fun

Lee Hoseok: I told you, being and talking with you

Y/N: You've never been with me so.....

Y/N: Unless you wanna hang out for the first time today!!!

Y/N: I am so excited!!!!

Lee Hoseok: I really wanna see you bby girl

Lee Hoseok: But what if dispatch catches me

Y/N: Dispatch? Who cares, as long as you're happy

Y/N: Because I know I'm happy every time I talk to you


Lee Hoseok: I'll be back, I just need to go to the bathroom

Y/N: Oh honey chips what did I just do!?

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