"Do you ever want to do something crazy?" I ask shoving my hand into my pocket in attempt to fight the urge.

She sucks on her teeth, contemplating her answer. "Of course, lots of things."

"Like what?"

"I want a tattoo, the same one my parents had, a set of angel wings. My belly button and nose pierced. To travel the world. To dye my hair again." She admits, her hair flying around as the wind picks up.

It's a shock at first, trying to imagine shy Scarlett wanting to do all those things but then I remember that who she is isn't who she's always been. Worry and responsibility are characteristics she only has because of her family. The wild spark is in her, just begging to be let free.

And man do I want to see it.

"What do you mean by dying your hair again?" I ask, that one part intriguing me more than the rest.

"When I was 14, mom let me dye my hair light pink. I have pictures at the house." She offers, finishing up her ice cream.

My mind runs wild with the thought of her with pink hair. "Why not now?"

She sighs, breaking away to throw away her trash. "Wrong type of attention. I'd love to do lavender in the future though."

I frown as the wind makes my now empty hand go cold, when was the last time she did anything for fun? Everything is so calculated with her, precise movements to keep everyone else happy. It has to be infuriating.

"What about you?" She asks, bumping my shoulder.

I stop walking, turning to face her fully. "Me?" I watch as she nods her head, completely mesmerized by the flush of her cheeks. "I have a few things in mind." Like kissing you right now.

We stare at each other and just when I'm ready to lean in white flurries begin to fall from the sky. She squeals and runs around, completely forgetting about me as she attempts to catch them in her mouth.

Catching the music drifting from an open shop, I grab her hand, pulling her into my chest. "Dance with me."

I'm prepared for her to laugh and go back to chasing snowflakes but she rests her head on my chest, moving with me. The words are on the tip of my tongue as I stare down at her, I love you.

Three words. Eight letters that would thoroughly explain everything I feel for her.

She looks up, making eye contact and the words beg to be let out but I can't say it. Not yet. Instead I lean down, the space between us shrinking by the second. Her eyes go wide, but she doesn't move away. My lips brush against hers and in that moment, I want to scream.

It's been two months.

Before the kiss can deepen a car horn sends us apart. "What the fuck." I mutter, wanting to do nothing more than continue what we were doing but a second honk has me pulling away.

Gabe leans out of his car, "Atta boy!"

I'm going to kill him. This is his choice of payback? He knows how long I've spent working towards this moment and he can't let me have it? Nope, instead he feels the need to ruin my entire night.

Fucking wingman my ass.

Scarlett hides herself in my chest as Gabe whistles, his date undoubtedly taking a picture of us. Wrapping an arm around her I shake my head, pure rage in my eyes.

Tonight is ruined.

Gabe winks before revving his engine, I flip him off as he drives away. Letting out a sigh, I find Scarlett watching me, a blank expression on her face. "Well that was-"

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