#7- Otherkin and Fictionkin (But Mostly Fictionkin)

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((A/N: i just realized how much i used the word 'fuck' in this rant. wow i was pissed when i wrote it))

My frustration with the stupidity of humanity has increased greatly following my reading of Parogar's recent HGH2 about otherkin. (Speaking of HGH2, some of you may or may not have noticed that the cover was made by yours truly. *exercises bragging rights*)

So, following my reading this rant, I didn't form an opinion right away. I decided to play devil's advocate and liken it to gender dysphoria. I noticed that "you can't be a wolf because you're human! you have a human body!" sounds a hell of a lot like "you can't be a girl because you're a boy! you have a penis!"

But then I went on the almighty tumblr.

It turns out that in the Homestuck fandom--MY OWN FUCKING FANDOM--there are idiots who think they are the human embodiment of a character, or that they were once a character. See this copied-and-pasted tumblr post:

[name removed to protect the guiltyasfuck] said:

So, how did you figure out you're Feferikin?

It was a bit startling, to be honest.

The way I found out was that I was in my room and I suddenly felt dizzy, and then I passed out on my bed for like ten minutes. During that time when I was blacked out, I had a flashback/vision of me when I was Feferi.

I was in the dream bubbles talking to Jane (I was obviously dead because the dream bubbles weren't created until I died), and we were talking about how the Condesce influenced our lives and stuff like that. She was super nice, too. Then I woke up with a lingering dizziness and I just sat on my bed until it went away.

And that's how I found out that I'm Feferikin! 383


Just because you fainted and had a dream you were Feferi DOES NOT MAKE YOU FUCKING FEFERI.

And here's another post:

I have a confession to make.

I... am homestuckkin.

I feel the kids and trolls flowing through my veins. I long to be with them in their apocalyptic universe. I feel their pain. I belong with them. They are my brethren.

So stop drawing homestuck characters provacatively. Stop drawing them PERIOD. Stop cosplaying them. Stop making headcanons about them. Stop shipping them. You don't have their consent. It's disgusting. It's very triggering to homestuckkin. Have some respect for us and our requests.

*facepalm x2 combo*

The kids and the trolls.


"You don't have their consent." Of course we don't! Because THEY DON'T FUCKING EXIST TO GIVE US THAT CONSENT. I will draw them, cosplay as them, make as many fucking headcanons as I so wish, and SHIP EVERYONE WITH EVERYONE. I don't fucking care if you get "triggered"! Go whine about it somewhere else.


I can kind of support otherkin, because at least they believe they're something that it's actually physically possible to be. Dogs exist. They have brains and personalities and are living organisms. It is quite possible to be a dog.

But it is NOT possible to be Jane Crocker, because she exists solely in the imagination of Andrew Hussie! You can't go around bullshitting people and saying you ARE a character just because you really like that character or feel a connection to that character. It's one thing to roleplay as a character, but a totally different thing to say you are that character!

Now before the word "character" loses meaning to me, I will end for the day. Vote if you're done with humanity's bullshit.

And I swear to troll jegus if I ever create something cool enough for people to decide that they are "kin" of the characters, I will first congratulate myself for having done something useful with my life, and then I will find these retards and eviscerate them all.

In Which Charlie Has An OpinionWhere stories live. Discover now