The Planning phase

Start from the beginning

"Right... I'll remember when I think about the crocodile that ate Captain Hook's hand. I know Jagged says his crocodile is tame but I can't help but wonder sometimes."

The girls laughed at the conversation and following the melodious sound Nino and Adrien approached them.

Nino was the first to speak.

"Hey Marinette, Hey Alya."

Nino snaked his arm around Alya's shoulders and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Adrien had a slight smile at how smooth his best friend was. Maybe he'd try something like that on Ladybug? He knew she'd push him away but you never know right? Maybe the day she doesn't keep a distance is the day he gives up, and Adrien was definitely not a quitter.

Adrien greeted Alya and then...


Her face lit up in red tint that coated her cheeks as she stuttered a hello in the longest way possible and as she spoke her voice got progressively quieter and quieter.

"Hey Adrien! You look g-great today! Not to say that you don't always look great I think you're awesome and uhh...yeah but you look awesomely normal. You don't look normal I mean you look handsome and- ughhh I'm so stupid..."

Marinette gave Alya a desperate face and mouthed 'MAKE IT STOP PLEASE'

Alya facepalmed...

"Thanks I think." Adrien replied slightly confused.

"You're welcome?" The pigtailed girl squeaked.

"...Anyways" Alya interjected, " I think we should plan a fun get together Friday night to get away from all the school stress."

"Alya I think Nino is rubbing off on you." Adrien smirked at his comment.

Nino stuck his tongue out at Adrien.

"Whatever dude. You're just jealous my girl is this awesome."

Marinette's face was a bit sad. Alya was the first to notice.

"What's wrong Mari?"

"Nothings wrong at all it's just I have a ton of work to do and I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish in time by Friday."

"What about Saturday night?" Nino mentioned.

Adrien cut in this time.

"Weekends are no good for me. My father and Natalie like to get in a bunch of stuff on my schedule Saturday and Sunday.

Marinette gave a knowing nod. She knew Adrien's schedule all too well.

Alya's face lit up with an idea.

"I got it!"

Her left hand was flat in front of her and with her right hand curled in a fist, she slammed them both together.

"Since today is Monday, I'll come over everyday consecutively to help you finish your stuff before Friday since it's the only day we'll all be free."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course Mari! You're my best friend, it's no problem at all. Anyways I know you'd do the same for me."

Marinette felt her heart get light at the good friend she had. She thanked the moon, stars, and the night sky for the gift that was Alya Césaire. The biggest beautiful smile formed on her face that Adrien actually had to look away since it was blinding. It was leaving him with a warm and light feeling in his chest as well.

He mentally berated himself with an inner scowl and felt guilty because Ladybug probably had, at least to him, a prettier smile. He made an effort to get the preposterous thoughts out of his head and asked a question he was also honestly wondering.

"So we're set for a get together on Friday?" Adrien confirmed.

The rest of the group nodded.

Adrien also felt his heart lighten at the fact that he was going to be able to spend time with his friends. He'd make sure that Natalie agreed to allowing him to get out of the house for at least that one night.

Nino spoke up and mentioned an obvious hole in the plan.

"This is great and all but we still haven't set the place we're going to hang out at."

Alya smirked and had and idea. For her plans to go well it needed to be at someone's house in a closed setting so it'd be a safe environment.

"I think we should go to someone's house. I'd volunteer but my house is definitely overcrowded for the fun night we're going to have."

Nino, Marinette, and Adrien had a questioning look on their faces at the sneaky tone Alya was using in her voice but dismissed the idea when Marinette spoke up this time.

"Um we can come over to my house. I'm sure my parents would be more than happy to have you all over. I'll even make some macarons and croissants for the day."

Adrien's mouth watered at the thought.

"Perfect!" Alya quickly said.

With a look of determination the four teens set out to have their little get together happen no matter what.

Jeez I'm scrolling through what I wrote and what feels like a long time writing is actually a short little chapter. *sigh* Anyway I think that as the chapter get progressively spicy I'll have longer chapters. This will definitely be a long story I'm hoping that will make sense when the heat is turned up. But I bid y'all adieu for this chapter.

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