Chapter 25

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A/N: Don't hate me after reading this one - it'll all work out in the end, I promise.
C xx


Becca walked in the door to Viv and Ella having a whisper argument.
'We've got to tell her.'
'I know, but what if there's a good reason?'
'For God's sake Viv, what reason could there be?'
'I don't know.'
They turned when they heard her come in.
'Hey.' Viv said, looking guilty.
'So, I'm here in person. What do you need to tell me?' Becca said, slightly crossly. She'd been a bit mad with them since their comments earlier about Chris.
I mean, why say something but nothing? Either tell me it all, or don't say anything.
But she was self-aware enough to know that part of the reason she was cross was because she was worried. She'd worried about it all the way home.
What did they find out about Chris that's so bad? Is he married?
Because she had started to like him, really like him, and she couldn't bear it if he turned out to be an asshole too.
'This is Chris's tinder profile and his photos, still under the name Robbie, I might add.' Said Ella, showing her.
'Yes, but he explained about that Ella, and I know what his photos look like.'
'Viv?' Ella said.
'I'm really sorry about this Becca.' Viv said sadly and got out her phone. 'I was scrolling through some old photographs of Robert Downey Jnr and I found this one.'
She showed Becca a photo of Robert Downey Jnr with Chris. My Chris.
'Yeah, so? They work on the same film set and we know that they know each other from the video he did.'
'Read the tagline.' Viv said, quietly.
'Robert Downey Jnr and his cousin Phil Daniels at the premier of Iron Man.'
Becca's stomach clenched. 'I don't understand, that's Chris. Maybe whoever wrote the tagline just made a mistake.' She said hopefully.
'That's what we thought to begin with, so we did a google search on Phil Daniels.'
She showed me the results - a facebook profile, instagram and lots of pictures of Chris's face with the name 'Phil Daniels' on.
'Phil Daniels really is Robert Downey Jnr's cousin and this is what he looks like.' Ella said, pointing.
Becca's heart dropped a little more with each thing they showed her.
'Phil Daniels also has a tinder account.' Ella said. She clicked on the link and up came his page. Becca gasped in shock because the photos were the same as the ones on Chris's page. Exactly the same.
'It looks like 'Chris', if that's even his real name, just copied and pasted all the photos. He's not who he said he was.' Said Ella.
'Sorry Becca.' Said Viv. 'Chris's profile is fake.'
'No. It can't be. Why would he do that?.'
'Because there are some sick bastards out there, who get off on pretending to be someone they're not.' Said Ella.
'But he was so nice.'
'You mean he seemed nice. Really he was just messing with your head.'
'But I really liked him.' Becca said, sadly. 'Maybe he had a good reason.'
'Like what?' Challenged Ella.
'I don't know, maybe he's had a really bad accident and he's scarred or something so he didn't want to use his own face.'
Ella raised her eyebrows. 'Clutching at straws much?'
'I know it's not very likely.' Becca admitted.
'He even gave me Lindt chocolate.' She added glumly, getting the bunnies out and putting them on the table. 'Why would he do that if he was just stringing me along?'
Viv gave her arm a comforting squeeze. 'I don't know.' She said.
'Because he's an asshole.' Said Ella.
'Maybe-' Viv began but Ella cut her off.
'No Viv.'
'Maybe he's got a good reason.' Viv continued, ignoring Ella.
'For fuck's sake Viv, don't be so gullible.' Ella growled, and I got the feeling this was a continuation of the argument they'd been having as I walked in.
'Why doesn't she just ask him?'
'Because she won't be able to believe anything he says.'
'Standing right here, guys.' Said Becca.
'Sorry.' Said Viv. 'We don't mean to be pushy, we're just trying to look out for you.'
'I know.'
Becca took a deep breath, trying to decide what to do. I need to know why he did it. I need to know if he had a good reason, or if he's just an asshole.
'I'm going to call him.'
'Because I want to know why he did it. Maybe he's got a reason.'
'There's no point.' Said Ella. 'How do you know that he won't just lie to you again? How can you believe anything he says now?'
'If I don't give him the chance to explain, I'll always wonder.' Becca said. 'At least this way I'll know the truth.'
'And when he turns out to be just another asshole?'
'Well, then I'll know that too.'
There was another reason, one that she didn't dare say out loud because she hadn't really even admitted it to herself yet. She'd really liked him. Really, really liked him, and she'd felt like he'd really liked her too. And she needed to know if that was real, or if he'd been playing some sort of game with her feelings. She didn't think she could bear it if he had.
She took a deep breath and dialled his number, feeling sick as she listened to it ring.

A Chance Meeting | Chris EvansHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin