Claws In

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A day had gone by with nothing of importance happening. It was a Thursday night, Saturday Alya would be going back home. Marinette had learned a lot from her visit with Master Fu, she used his meditations daily and they helped in many ways.

"Do you remember dying?" Marinette let slip as she and Alya were mediating together. She caught Alya completely by surprise.

"Do you mean in past lives or something?" She asked laughing. Marinette bit her lip, Master Fu had told her that sometimes it was important to say your thoughts aloud even if no one was listening. She forgot Alya was.

"Do you remember when Nino was akumatized? I heard a rumor that you actually died but you were brought back when Ladybug purified the akuma."

"That must have been a lie, I think I would remember dying. Your mind sure goes weird places when you meditate. Like yesterday when you asked if silence was better than screams. Are you feeling okay?" Marinette just fake laughed.

"I guess my mind does go weird places. I don't mean to freak you out or anything, I think I'm done meditating for the night." She stood and stretched. Though she didn't mean to ask she was very happy with the answer. No one seemed to remember ever dying. No one but her.

At least she knew now that no one would feel a pain like hers during an akuma attack. She could go to bed now feeling alright and so they did.

Marinette was startled awake when she heard a soft knocking at glass. She looked to her side to see Alya still asleep, at the window she could just barely see the outline of a person. She went up to her balcony to find Cat Noir waiting for her.

"My lady, I'm sorry to wake you up so late at night I just had to see you."

"I'm not your lady, at least not right now."

"Well then my princess- No I'm sorry I'll stop with the nicknames. Marinette, how are you doing?" Marinette could see the seriousness in the straight line of his mouth. An unusual sight. She sighed.

"I'm alive." She sat on her chair, Cat leaned against the balcony railing.

"Thank god for that. I need to talk to you about what's happened and what's changed."

"What happened is that Marinette got pushed to the ground one to many times, Ladybug failed to be a hero. You killed me. And let's not forget you know my real identity. Which ever one is my real one." It was at this point Tikki flew up onto the balcony, she waved at Cat Noir and sat on Marinette's leg.

"Both sides of you are real. But how are you feeling about it all? You can be honest with me."

"I think I've come to terms with most of it. I accept that people died but it wasn't me that killed them, I accept that I died but that it wasn't for very long and it was necessary. I've never had problems putting my life in danger before so why stop now." She chuckled at the fear of her mortality.

"I was worried for a long time about what would happen if we had to kill another victim. I remember dying, vividly, but I asked Alya if she remembers dying and she doesn't, no one seems to remember dying or even being comatose during an attack. Which is helpful."

"How are you doing though?" She asked seeing the straight face he held tight.

"I don't know what to think. My powers are all about destruction." Cat Noir sunk to the ground, he sat there examining his hands. "I killed you, I have adored both sides of you since I met you and I had to kill you. Now knowing that you remember it too, I don't know if I can do it again if I'm in a position where I have to." He confessed.

"I doubt you'll ever have to be in that position again. You should talk to Master Fu, he taught me some helpful things when I spoke with him a few days ago."

"I destroy everything I touch. Is that a reflection on me? The other me?"

"That's not true at all Cat Noir." Tikki spoke up, she flew up to him and sat on his knee. "I happen to know who the other you is and he's an amazing young man. You are an amazing hero, you're one of the most cautious and caring Cat Noir's to ever exist. Some people let the power rush to their heads but you use them for good every day!"

"Tikki is always right." Marinette chimed in. "I can't speak for your real identity but I know you're good at heart, otherwise Master Fu wouldn't have given you such a powerful Miraculous."

"Thank you Tikki, thank you Marinette. That does mean a lot to me." Cat mustered up a smile.

"How do you feel about knowing my real identity?"

"Stupid, how did I not figure it out before." He laughed at himself. "Stupid and amazed. Amazed by you and all the good you do. I knew the girl behind the mask had to be pretty amazing but I never would have guessed she'd be as amazing as Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

"I still wonder who's behind that mask." Marinette smiled at Cat, it was a needed compliment.

"I could always show you." Cat said hesitantly, he wasn't sure this was the right time. "Master Fu basically said fuck it and told me I could tell you my identity when the time was right."

"That's the first time I've heard you swear Cat." Marinette was genuinely surprised. "I don't know if I should see your real identity. Do you think it'll change the way I see you?"

"I can't say for sure, you're so honest but you keep your feelings hidden, I can never tell what you're really thinking at any moment."

"It's not exactly fair you know me and I don't know you. On the other hand what if this makes it hard to work with you."

"I don't think it will Marinette." Tikki was wide awake now flying around with nervous excitement.

"Do you actually want me to know Tikki? I thought you were the voice of reason?"

"I am and I see no reason for you not to know who he is at this point. You've both proven time and time again that you'll do what it takes to stop Hawkmoth." Tikki smiled at Marinette.

"I don't have to tell you if you really don't want to know." Cat reassured.

"I want to know, I think I need to know." Marinette sat up straight in her chair and took a few deep breaths.

"Close your eyes." She did. "Claws in." Adrien took a few seconds to check his reflection in a nearby window. He took a shaky breath as Marinette opened her eyes.

Ladybug and Cat Noir: AkumatizedWhere stories live. Discover now