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"Alya I really need you right now. Come on please, you know I've been stressing about this exam for weeks." Nino complained to Alya, Marinette could hear it through the phone.

"I swear to Ladybug you need to calm down before you make me lose it! I told you, Marinette needs me right now. Way more than you do." Alya patted Marinette's leg and whispered.

"Let me finish this call outside real quick." She went up onto Marinette's balcony knowing that all the fighting she and Nino had been doing was hurting Marinette.

"How long do you think it'll be this time?" Tikki asked from her tiny hammock that Marinette had made her, it was hidden behind her desk.

"I don't know, she seems really upset this time." Marinette lifted her knees to her chest, resting her head on top of them. It had been a whole day since Marinette had been back to normal, a whole day since the last time she spoke to Cat Noir.

Alya had stayed with her the night before and planned to stay with her for the whole week, a great idea for Marinette's mental health, a terrible one for Ladybug's secrets. It seemed to Marinette that she cared less and less about being Ladybug as the hours went by, she wouldn't admit it to Tikki but she no longer trusted herself and the thought of having to go up against Hawkmoth even once more made her stomach churn.


"I was so close Nooroo! She had such potential, such love turned into such hate. She killed many, I need someone like her again. Someone so pure that when I take them over I can flip their emotions like a switch."

"She could have killed your son, sir. Aren't you worried that the next akuma will." Nathalie spoke up. "If an akuma gets too strong who's to say it won't kill your son, or even you. I think you're getting out of~"

"Enough! You dare to question my authority, my power! I am in control and I will have my wish, I'll kill every citizen in Paris if I have to, even you." His cold eyes fixed on her.

"I will have my way, and you can either win this battle at my side or perish along with Ladybug and Chat Noir. Only Adrien would notice if you went missing. Choose your next words carefully." Nathalie took a shaky breath.

"Yes sir. I was only worried for Adrien's safety."

"I have everything under control." With a devilish grin he sent his assistant away.


"Sorry about that Mari." Alya tossed her phone onto Marinette's desk. Marinette sat still where she was, innocently she asked.

"Are you and Nino going to break up, because of me?" Alya frowned and sat with her.

"Of course not. Even if we did break up it wouldn't be because of you, Nino's just been a little more needy than usual and I'm having a hard time dealing with it." Alya patted Marinette's head and they began their plans for the rest of the day their one day off of school.

They played video games, watched tv, and talked, and talked, and talked. Marinette confessed as much of how she felt as she could without giving any secrets away (which felt like nothing at all) and Alya did her best to comfort her.

Though extremely reluctant Alya's parents let her stay over for the week and let Marinette and Alya stay home from school for just that day. Alya could remember bits and pieces of her time as Ladybug and Marinette told her everything about what it was like to be akumatized. Alya secretly watched some of the recorded footage of the attacks and knew that Marinette needed all the love and friendship in the world.

"Do you remember how Adrien helped you on the bridge? Speaking of we should find André again, you guys never got to have your ice cream."

"Yeah I remember, I hope I see him again soon. I just really need a hug from him again." Marinette smiled sadly. "I wish Chloé would move away though, she's so awful to me for no reason."

Ladybug and Cat Noir: AkumatizedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat