Part 21: Let's start again

Start from the beginning

Both Mr and Mrs Suthilak look at their dear granddaughter, feeling gratified to her talkative and lovely behavior.

"Well... my granddaughter! Good girl."

Mr Suthilak said and smiled to Minnie while his wife standing up and walking toward her granddaughter, asked to carry her. Minnie extended her hand to let her grandma carry her.

"My dear granddaughter. Miss you so much baby." Madame Suthilak embraced her and kissed her cheek several time making Minnie laugh out loudly as she felt ticklish.

" Minnie miss grandma too."

Hearing from Minnie lovely replying, Madame Suthilak was loving her granddaughter more and more. "My little granddaughter is a sweet talker."

"Let's grandpa hold Minnie too." Mr Suthilak could not hold back anymore when he saw the lovely interaction of them and he really want to embrace and kiss his dear granddaughter like what his wife did too.

Minnie looked at her grandpa and then she extended her hand to him as she let him carry her. Madame Suthilak handed Minnie to her husband.

First time for him to carry his granddaughter, Mr Suthilak was excited and feeling warmly. He was stroking her hair and kissed her head gently that his action made Arthit felt happy and trusted that Kongpob's parents didn't hate Minnie but they really love her and accept her from bottom of their heart. This time truly helped Arthit to decide everything easily without hesitation.

After they had lunch, Kongpob's parents asked permission from Arthit to bring Minnie together with them back home as they want to spend the time with her. They had already invited Arthit to have meal at Suthilak mansion after he discharged from the hospital tomorrow. After that they both can bring Minnie back together with them.

At the first Kongpob didn't dare to say anything as he had thought that P'Arthit wouldn't allow his parents to take Minnie with them but Arthit's answer was made him surprised because he easily allow them without hesitation. So that mean he agreed to have meal with Kongpob's parents tomorrow too. Kongpob couldn't help but smiled happily. It such as the positive sign from his P'Arthit toward him and his parents.

At evening, Madame Suthilak came over with a lot of bags that she had brought all of them for her dearly granddaughter. At the moment she went in the living room, she saw her husband and granddaughter playing together happily. She knew clearly that her husband always wished to have grandchildren so badly but their daughter didn't have partner yet and their son never open his heart for other. She felt hopeless but now Arthit had brought them a beautiful lovely granddaughter. For her it was not different to gift from heaven. She is very thankful to him and made a promise to herself that from now on no matter what happened Arthit would be only her son life partner. No one else deserves than him. She was setting her mind on this son in law already.

When Minnie saw her grandma was standing next the door. She smiled and called her name sweetly: "Grandma!! Did you come back?"

Madame Suthilak suddenly felt lighter and emotional. She walked in and sitting beside her granddaughter and husband. She caressed her hair softly, feeling like everything is just the delusion of her.

" Minnie, What are you doing?"

" Drawing a panda bear with grandpa."

" And?"

" Waiting grandma come back."

" Minnie is the best. Look at this, grandma had brought a lot of thing for Minnie." Madame Suthilak smiled happily because of Minnie's sweetly word, she quietly opened the bags and took a thing inside, gave it to Minnie.

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