Chapter 17

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Sonic's P.O.V. 

"If 'S' was at the park when I was faking that Sally was my fiance... Then that means they must live close." I said out loud as I laid down in the couch while Tails tried to fix the TV. 

"Seriously, what did you do here?" Tails asked me. "Please tell me you did not disconnect the cables by pulling them from afar, I told you many times that that messes up the TV." 

"Of course I didn't do that! You think I am an idiot?" I answered back. He sighed then looked at me and crossed his arms. 

"Then what did you do?" He rested his hand down on top of it and made a face of disgust. 

"There! You found what I did!" I laughed softly. 

"Please tell me it is juice...Lemonade, Orange juice, or another type of drink..." He said disgusted and I laughed louder and nodded. 

"It is juice, what do you take me for?" I answered as I laughed and Tails nodded. 

"How many times have I told you not to have drinks next to electronics?" Tails crossed his arms with a glare that wasn't even scary at all. He looked like a mad puppy. 

"I didn't, Silver and I were fighting and he pushed me back with his damn powers and I dropped my drink on accident." I explained and he sighed and nodded. 

"What were you saying about that girl?" Tails asked and I hummed confused. "S." He explained and I nodded now comprehending. 

"I don't know if it is a girl or a boy. I don't even know their name." I sighed about that and Tails hummed. 

"I don't see why you just don't tell them who you are. You said that person had feelings for Soni-I mean, you, so then? What else are you waiting for?" He looked at me. 

"I cant do that, they will think  I just betrayed them." I sighed and rubbed my face thinking of what to do. 

Shadow's P.O.V. 

"So why do you like this one more than Amy?" Rouge asked me and I rolled my eyes. 

"They care more than Rose does. You can tell, instead of telling me how their day went like shit like Rose does, this one asks me how my day went before they even tell me about theirs. They make sure I am in a good mood and try to cheer me up if I am not in the mood to talk." I explained as best as I could. "They are less annoying." 

"And has been sending you fun facts everyday as well. You've been talking to this person for a month already, you should give them a chance to meet up." Rouge said and I crossed my arms. "I am just saying, you don't even know what their name is, what if you know them in person?" 

I got a message and I checked my phone. 

PR: I cant believe he is getting married this weekend!

"And then there is Sonic." Rouge said and I shook my head. "Are you sure you are okay about this?" 

"I don't care." I stood up and walked away as I sent a message. 

Me: I feel like I should had listened to you and to my friend. I should had told him how I felt. 

SM: Its okay

Me: No it is not, he is getting married this weekend and I have to go to the wedding. 

SM: Why do you have to go? 

Me: My friend is forcing me to go.

SM: So your friend is close to Sonic?

Me: She is friends with him, yes

SM: It will be okay.

It took him a while to answer me that. I shrugged it off and put my phone away as I walked home. 

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