Chapter 11

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SM: Did you know that chocolate ice cream has been scientifically proven to reduce physical and mental pain?

S: You're giving me facts now?

SM: Pretty much.
SM: How's your day?

S: Boring

SM: More questions?

S: I'm giving you 5 only. Not about my name.

SM: Perfect! Okay! What made you lose your previous relationship?

S: I Don't have a previous relationship.

SM: Really?

S: Yes, I am not interested in dating, and I have never seen anyone in that way

SM: I could change that

S: You Can't

SM: What if I could?

S: That would be a miracle

SM: I could make you kiss me the first time we meet

S: That's impossible

SM: I could

S: That's not true

SM: Really? You want to bet?

S: I don't see the point of this

SM: So it shouldn't be a problem

S: Fine I guess. What do I get if I win?

SM: I will leave you alone forever and if we live in the same place, I will leave forever and make sure you never see me again. I promise.

S: And if you win?

SM: If you do kiss me, that would be my price, that would mean you actually like me and we could give us a chance. Deal?

S: I guess.

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