Chapter 6

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PR: My day is shit

S: Ok

PR: You are not going to ask why?

S: Well

PR: Well I'm still telling you

S: I figured

PR: The guy I like is rejecting me again, and I do not know why

S: Glad to know you're a female

PR: Did you just assume my gender?

S: Well, are you a female or not?

PR: Yes

S: Ok

PR: But you can not just assume someone's gender, in the app you are not supposed to say the gender or the name of the person. Since I said my gender, will you say yours?

S: Male

PR: Nice! I mean, it's not like it matters but it's better

S: If I was to be a female, would you leave?

PR: Well, there's nothing wrong about that

S: How do I make you leave?

PR: You Can not. Now back to the topic.

S: The guy you like, rejected you again. I wonder why

PR: Right ?! There is nothing bad about me! I'm good! I'm nice! Smart! Pretty!

S: Right

PR: I am!

S: Ok

Love Through Text (Sonadow)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें