Chapter Eleven: Dodge

Start from the beginning

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?????? POV:


That was all I could see.

Just an empty void of darkness.

It was also silent. I could not even hear myself breathe.

Was I even breathing?

Part of me wanted to inhale, but at the same time, it didn't even feel like I needed to. Kind of like I was holding my breath. My body would breathe when it needs to and not when I want, I guess.

I was also numb all over. I couldn't tell whether it was hot or cold. I couldn't even tell if I was lying still, or floating around through this empty void. Even if I was moving, I didn't know in which direction.

Normally, I would feel unnerved by all this. But I was so tired. It felt as though my strength and consciousness were draining away by the second. Yet I didn't mind. Sleep sounds good right now. I think I'll just close my eyes and go to sleep forever.

Just as I was on the brink of eternal sleep, I heard something. It was too muffled and soft to understand at first.

But then, whatever it was became louder, and louder. It was just indecipherable noise. Yet it burst my eardrums and caused my ears to ring! When I tried to cover them, I realized that I couldn't move my arms.

The need to move overpowered my drowsiness.


As I panicked internally, I felt feather-like touches on my sides. Shortly afterwards, they moved to my chest. Each touch got firmer and firmer to the point it felt like someone was pounding my rib cage.


The painful touches would pause for a bit, and then pick right back up where they left off. Fortunately, the pain started to fade as I registered new things. The loud noise had left, and was replaced with faint, whooshing, wind-like sounds. Through my closed eyelids, I saw the dark void become brighter. I also realized that air was being forced into me, through my throat. If the pounding in my rib cage would stop, I could breathe on my own!

By now, my sense of touch had fully returned. I felt a breeze ruffle my hair and clothes, blades of grass on my fingers, stinging sensations on my face, and I sensed something above me. What was that?

Air was being forced through my throat once more. This time, I followed it.

I tasted something wet and slippery.

What is this sensation?

Hanji's POV:

"LEVI!!!" I screamed as I ran towards his body. Titan Eren had swatted him a good mile away from the castle, and into a small cluster of trees. Said man was limply dangling, three feet off the ground, from the wires of his 3dm gear. His cape was ripped and tattered to shreds. Levi was also scratched up from those same branches. The wounds were relatively shallow, but he was still bleeding all over, plus there were leaves in his hair and all over his clothes.

He would definitely throw a hissy fit over the condition of his appearance; if he were awake and there was a mirror, that is. I would also be laughing right now at the absolute mess Levi became. But the situation was dire. Humanity would suffer a severe loss if he were to die.

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