Here We Go..

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*** ABBY'S HOUSE ***

I woke up and it was 10am. I got up, ate some breakfast, and watched tv. I didn't notice the note that my mom left me on the countertop. It read," Mikayla, sorry, I had to go to a job interview! Have fun at Mikayla's party! Tell her I said happy birthday :) "

I decided to start getting ready. I took a shower and put sweats & a white v-neck on. I thought I should just change at Mikayla's house since I'd be helping setting up and it would mess up what I was going to wear. After I got dressed, I packed my bag with my clothes, make-up, and hair



I knocked on the door and jumped up and gave Mikayla a hug. " HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEST FRIEND !!!! ," I said. She smiled & said thanks. She invited me in & her house was HUGE. There were balloons everywhere, a banner, everything! We walked to the backyard and there it was. The One Direction stage. I rolled my eyes. We sat down for a little bit and chatted. " Oh my gosh, Abby, can you believe it?! One Direction's going to be here in an hour!! " I froze. An hour?! The party doesn't even start until night! Dear lord, help me.

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