Ch. 5: Imminent Connection

Depuis le début

"Thank God you picked up!!!"
"What's wrong dude?" Changbin said groggily from the other line. Lee Know definitely woke him up. But that wasn't important. What was important, was Liera and how much he meant to him. So he asked for Changbin's help. He was scared, cowardly, and didn't know what to do. So he explained to him what happened and asked for advice. Changbin wasn't sure why the hell he called him, instead of phoning the police. But Lee Know was his friend so he wanted to be there for him.

"Alright. I'll be there. Give me 15 minutes. Call the goddamn ambulance while you're at it, for Christ's sake!" He grumbled at Lee Know before hanging up. Lee Know frowned, hitting the end call button before lowering his arm.
"I...I know, but- How can I do this? What do I even tell them?" He slowly began to tear up.
"Will they even believe me?" He bit his dried bottom lip, while mulling over all of his options. He dialed the number and held it up to his ear to call for help.


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Yes... I remember now... Liera had fallen down the stairs. She said she was pushed and that I did it. But, I don't recall doing that. At that time, she was so adamant about what she saw. She was so damn sure that it was me. However, I now know the truth. It wasn't me. Not really. Just an evil entity with a borrowed face. However... Changbin surprisingly didn't take my side. He chose Liera. Even after the names she called him, everything she said about him behind his back, and throughout all the fights and arguments... The one time I needed him the most, he cut ties with me and disappeared.

Fuck. I screwed up. I screwed up big time.

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I shake my head from side to side, snapping myself back to reality as my mind had started to wander a bit. I refocus on Changbin, who was a crying, shaking mess. This was bad. I'm not good at consoling people. Fuck.
Hearing his insistent howls of agony and sorrow made my skin crawl and my heart ache.
"W-what the fuck did I do?!" He cried out and roughly gripped his hair. He rocked back and forth while taking a frantic look around the room. I quickly went to his side to comfort him.
"Shh! Hush, it's okay. I'm okay, we're okay." I wrap my arms around Changbin and pulled him close. He didn't try to pull back or push me away. Instead, he leaned his head forward to bury his face into my shoulder. More tears flowed from his eyes. His body shook so much, it even vibrated mine. I frowned deeply and laid a hand on the back of his hair. I wanted to try to do everything in my power to calm him down.
"S-stop, Changbin. It's okay. It wasn't really you. Don't blame yourself." I pat him on the back with my free hand as he continued to sob. I look up over at my girlfriend who had sprung to her feet due to witnessing how much of a mess my best friend was. She mouthed the words: Should I help? With the saddest expression.
It hurt me to see her so worried. I am grateful for her willingness to help me, but I couldn't have her over here. It would cause a problem. I gently shook my head no, and mouthed the two letter word back to her. She immediately stopped and let out a soft huff. I gave her a soft smile to silently tell her I was sorry, then went back to comforting my disheveled and confused friend. He had dug his fingers into my back. It made me flinch in pain, but I held it in. He was merely doing it as a safety clutch. Nothing more. So I let him do it. Whatever would help him regain control of himself.
Soon, he began to calm down. His breathing had returned normal and the tremors from his full body shakes had ceased. I rubbed his back in circular motions and spoke to him in a calm manner.
"Are you okay now? Let's get you up. Let's get out of here."
He lifted his head to stare into my eyes, which caught me off guard. His face was so close to mine that I had a natural reflex to look away. My cheeks flushed red.
"W-what are you looking at me like that, for?" I chuckled nervously.
He kept his eyes on me.
"I'm just... sorry."

"Road Not Taken." [Lee Know] HORROROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant