Chapter 1: This is not a Home

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[Warning: This story will contain strong language, creepy imagery, and depictions of Horror scenarios. Read with caution.]


(A week and a half after the initial incident)

I drive down the road in my car as I focus my eyes ahead

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I drive down the road in my car as I focus my eyes ahead. The summer sun beat down on me during my long journey. I let out an exasperated sigh. Dark thoughts swirled inside of my mind as I tried to figure out what to do. Suddenly, my phone rang when I was in the middle of my thoughts. I nearly jumped by the surprise of it. I dug my hand into my pocket for my phone and pulled it out. When I saw who was calling, I rolled my eyes and hit the accept button, then held it up to my ear. "Yes, my dear Liera?"

"You're still coming to get your shit, right? I've got important things to do."

There it is.

I let out a sigh as I keep my free hand on the wheel and concentrate on the road. "Yeah, I'm headed to our place now. I'm driving."

"No! Correction, MIN-HO! It's MY place! Remember? I kicked you out."

"Liera, please do not call me that. You know I don't go by that name anymore. I want to talk when I get there."

"Honestly, I couldn't care less about how you feel about your name. You never cared for my feelings when we were still together."

"That's not true and you know it. I told you what was going on and all you did was-" I was cut off by a random flash that seemed to be in the shape of a person who appeared in front of my vehicle. I had to quickly swerve out of the way not knowing if it had been real. I dropped my phone in the process. It slipped from my hands, hit my seat and fell underneath. My car veered off into a ditch and I had to slam on my brakes to make it come to a full stop. I managed to make it stop just before it collided into a tree. By the end of it, my hands were violently shaking as my head pounded, brought on by the adrenaline that made the blood pump harder into my skull. I released my seatbelt and frantically looked around. I wanted to see if I could pinpoint the curious object standing in the road.
Nothing was there.
Of course nothing would be there. I knew whatever it was, isn't real. It was just... that thing messing with my brain. I know it had to be it. Ever since I discovered it and took it home, it has been ruining my life ever since. Making me see things that aren't there, causing me to hallucinate and go on a rampage. The spirit of that stone has been haunting me and I can't seem to get rid of it. Even though I threw it away, it still wants me. It still seeks to find and destroy me. To do that, it has targeted every aspect of my life. Like my girlfriend to say the least.
It's ruined what we had. But no matter what I did to try and explain that it wasn't me doing those things, she never listened.
My chest tightened and my breathing hitched. It hurt. It was difficult to intake air into my lungs. I pulled the handle on the door and pushed it open. I climbed out and gasped to breathe again. The side effects of that horrible experience left a crushing, vibrating, pounding in my head. It was almost unbearable. "Fuck." I growled out through my teeth, then bent down to fish my phone out from under my seat. I held it up to my ear.

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