Chapter 2: Research

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[WARNING!!: This story frightening imagery, horror, strong language, dark fantasy, other disturbing content. Do not read if you are easily frightened.]

[Author's P.O.V.]

Disheveled, on edge, and weary, Lee Know travels to a local library in the area he now lives in

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Disheveled, on edge, and weary, Lee Know travels to a local library in the area he now lives in. After that initial incident on the road he experienced months ago, he had to start looking into some external help. He knew this was riding on his shoulders and his shoulders alone. With nowhere to go, no one to talk to, and his life on the line, he had to research a bit more about the stone.
"If I am to destroy it, I need to know everything it does." He hummed while browsing the Ancient History and Non-Fiction sections. He scoured each shelf thoroughly down to the bone. Book by book. He was desperate to find the answers he sought after. But so far, he hadn't found anything useful besides books on crystals, birthstones, and Zodiac bullshit he didn't believe in.
"I believe in Science and cold hard facts. Not spiritual mumbo jumbo." He groaned. A headache started to pester him.
"Maybe I'm just in the wrong aisle?" He raised a brow and left the last History aisle he already powered through about ten times before. This was difficult and his patience was wearing thin. But then, he had a random thought. It popped up into his head while he was murmuring about religion and spiritual practices being outlandish and ridiculous.
"Wait... That might be a stretch." He scratched his chin, which now had a five 'o clock shadow.
"But I'm willing to try anything. I guess." He stepped away and walked up to an employee of the library.
"Excuse me, ma'am?" He bowed gently at her. She smiled and bowed back.

"Hello, what can I help you with?"

He took a deep breath not believing he was about to say these words.
"Where is your Spiritual and Religious section?" He cleared his throat while rocking back and forth. For a small window of a moment, the library clerk froze and just stared at him. Lee Know thought she was just surprised he was asking about those sorts of books. Perhaps she thinks he didn't seem like the type to go reading that type of material? But that most certainly was not the case. He had to clear his throat again and wave a hand in front of her face to get her attention back to earth.

"Oh! M-my apologies. I feel like I've seen you before. Maybe...TV?" She smiled wide.
"Aren't you the one that documents discoveries on fossils and stuff?"

Oh! That's why she was staring at me. She recognizes me. Guess I almost forgot who I was.

He sighed and looked at the floor.
"Y-yes, I am. Try to keep it on the down low, okay?"
She laughed and rose her hands up in the air.
"Your secret is safe with me! But, I must say-" She lowered her voice to a whisper. "-It's a real shame what happened back in Siberia. I know that must have been horrifying to witness."
Lee Know lifted his head and furrowed his brows. What she was saying hadn't quite clicked with him yet.
"What? Excuse me?"
She stepped toward the young male and lowered her head so only they could hear the conversation.
"You know-- About what happened to those other Scientists? Such a tragedy. I know those jobs must be so dangerous. You should be careful, young man!"
Lee Know chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. He finally caught on to what she was talking about.
"Oh, right. Yeah. It was hard."

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