Chapter 12

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It was 11pm.

Kane stood staring his grandiose opponent in the eye. The towering gates of Neverland stood cold and uncaring of his tender, vulnerable wound.

He took a deep breath that might have been a disguised sigh and bared his teeth before he climbed the gate. It bought tears to his eyes to do it but he fought against the pain anyway and tried to act the same as he would if he were completely fit and healthy for it was just as imperative that he move with haste and precision as it was all the times before.

He landed on the other side and stood silently back against the gate. There was no movement so he took his opportunity and gallantly sped across the open grounds, heading straight for the house. Once he arrived outside the unnervingly dormant looking building He tucked himself behind a bush and listened out. There was no sound anywhere and also no movement.

He moved out of the bushes and around the corner to the front door. Then in his pocket he withdrew the spare key Michael had entrusted to him. He stepped cautiously in.

Nothing seemed out of place. He was completely mute as he snuck through the house and up the stairs. In his pocket, his recent assassin's gun was pressed against his leg. It rubbed his flesh as he took the stairs quietly, one by one.

His heart drummed in anticipation. It should have mostly been out of fear but he found that the heart palpitations were purely down to the fact that soon he was going to see Michael again.

He watched his own back pedantically. Feeling an eeriness of being inside of someone else's home unannounced and without their knowledge. He tried to remain out of site as he approached Michael's bedroom door. He reached his gloved hands out to turn the handle and felt it jam, preventing him from entering. He tried it again and the door didn't do much more than give a small shudder.


Clearly, Michael had barricaded himself in. He breathed in anticipation wandering if he should knock or if all this time he'd been barking up the wrong tree.

What if Michael wasn't actually in danger and Kane had been the only one to get hurt. Or going beyond the threshold of plausible imagination, what if Michael had in fact been the one to order the deadly attack on him. It was no secret that the sting of unrequited love could make men and women alike, do the most unimaginable things.

Or what if in the much more likely scenario, Michael opened that door, took one look and decided to alert the authorities of his breach onto private property, his identity and lastly his whereabouts.

Then his soul would surely be buckled up and boarding a fast train headed swiftly into the afterlife. He blinked at the scene enacted in his mind and it spooked him. Changing his mind on a dime he quickly receded from the door just as he heard footsteps approaching and he took a stealth duck behind a large statue of Pinocchio standing against the wall opposite Michael's room.

At least from his safe hiding place he'd be able to scope out what kind of mood Michael was in and calculate his propensity to want to land him in deep broiling shit.

Michael's room door opened and sure enough a full head of black bed hair pushed itself out into the hallway, only Kane could see that the hair didn't hold it's usual curl and was in fact convincingly straight.

It didn't take him long to conclude that it was because the hair didn't in fact belong to Michael. He felt his stomach descend downward and he suddenly felt the strong urge to take a dump.

He didn't so much as breathe as Evander stepped out gingerly into the hallway, pyjamas and all.

"Demetry." He called out. Not too long later a door opened along the adjacent wall.

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