I watched Megan and Mason head to the dance floor. "Hey wanna dance?" I asked the girl I walked in with. "Of course." she said seductively as she pulled me toward the dance floor. I kept an eye on Megan the whole time, while the girl danced on me. Megan started to dance dirty on Mason as he started kissing on her neck. It took every part of me not to rip him off her. She looked over at me and noticed I was looking, so I started to dance onto..I don't know her name. I started to kiss on her neck as well causing her to moan unnecessarily loud.

"Damn papi trying to start something I see?" she whispered in my ear. I really wasn't, I'm not in the mood. I noticed Megan looking at me from the corner of my eye. She looked a bit angry, causing me to smirk. I miss my Meggie so much honestly, nothing's been right since we stopped talking.

I noticed her and Mason leave the dance floor and head toward the stairs. They better not be going to do what I think they're doing. "Hey um I'm going to the bathroom." I told the girl. "Okay. Hurry back." she whispered to me. I nodded and headed toward the kitchen. I'm gonna let Megan make the mistake of sleeping with that jerk, I warned her.

••(Megan's POV)••

"Let's go upstairs I gotta talk to you." Mason whispered to me as he left kisses on my neck. "Um okay." I said following him as he led me upstairs.

When we arrived upstairs he led me to a guest bedroom. "Megan sit." he ordered. He had a strange tone in his voice, I obeyed and sat down. "Look Megan, I've been having fun with you these past few weeks, but it's not working out." he said. "Huh? What do you mean? I thought we were doing fine?" I asked surprised. "Yeah but I'm getting bored with it so I'll see you around." he said chucking up deuces then leaving.

I sat there in shock, I thought he liked me? I won't cry though. I headed out of the bedroom and back into the party just to see Mason already sucking another girls face off. My mouth dropped open. I crossed my arms and headed back upstairs not letting the tears fall. Drake was right, why didn't I listen to him? He warned me several times but I'm just a dumb girl who wouldn't listen.

I sat there and stared at the wall and felt a tear drop, then I started sobbing, sobbing like the idiot I am. I feel so fûcking stupid, now I lost Drake for good too. I just have bad history with boys so far, and I've only recently started dating.

Suddenly the door opened, "Megan?" Drake asked coming in. I cried harder hearing him. "No if you're here to say I told you so then just leave." I sobbed. He came over and hugged me, "I wasn't." he said kissing my cheek. "I thought you said you wouldn't be there to pick up my broken pieces?" I asked. He chuckled, "Who was I kidding? I like you too much to see you hurt Megan."

"Tell me what happened?" he asked. "Mason broke up with me, he told me he was bored with our relationship, then I saw him making out with some girl downstairs." I whispered. Drake clenched his jaw, "That douche." he spat.

"I'm sorry Megan." he whispered. "No don't be, you warned me. I'm such an idiot." Drake shushed me, "No you're not, he's just a bad guy. He deceived you and I'm sorry for that. How about we stop talking about him? Okay?" Drake asked. I nodded, Drake leaned us back against the bed, I cuddled into him as he began to stroke my hair.

"You actually did like me huh?" I asked quietly. "I still do." he whispered. "I always liked you too Drake, and I'm sorry I doubted you." I said. "It's fine, I'm just happy we're back to this again, I missed you." he said making me smile. "I missed you too." I replied. "Then why'd you still go out with Mason?" he asked. I sighed, "I don't know, I felt you were the one to break my heart, after I saw the way you treated that girl with the big boobs." I answered. "Oh you saw that? I wouldn't do that to someone as special as you." he replied. I blushed, "Thanks Drake again. And I'm sorry."

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