marriage alphabet || tenya iida

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a - about (what about you made them want to marry you?)

there wouldn't be just one thing that would make tenya want to marry you - it would be a combination of things such as your personality, the way you make him laugh, how you always are there to tend to him if he's overused his engines after a day of patrolling and how you have stuck with him throughout the years even though he's not been able to be with you as much as he would like to.

b - baby (would they want kids with you as soon as possible?)

tenya would definitely be one to wait to have children. he believes there's a perfect age for it, perhaps when the two of you are older and have enjoyed a good few years of your marriage before he decides the time is right. of course, little does he know that there's never a right time to have kids.

c - celebration (how would they celebrate your anniversaries?)

he'll try and take a day off and he'll absolutely spoil you. breakfast in bed, flowers and a meaningful gift, he'll either take you out of dinner or make you one and spoil you rotten. he'll shower you in affection and really show you how much he loves you.

d - divorce (how would they handle if you wanted a divorce? what caused it?)

he'd be distraught but he wouldn't make too much of a fuss about it. he wants to respect you and your decision, so he lets you do what you need to do - if you want him to move out then he'll do it immediately, if you want absolutely no contact with him then that's fine. he'll bury himself in his hero work to distract himself from the pain.

e - earnest (are they serious about your marriage? or can they be a little immature about it?)

he's completely serious about your marriage. its a sacred bond between two people and he would never mess with that.

f - favorite (what was your favorite things before and after you got married to each other?)

how he'd go out of his way to plan special evenings for the two of you. he'll book a table at a fancy restaurant, let you buy a new dress, buy a new purse, he'll carry you back home when your heels start to hurt your feet and buy you a fresh bouquet of flowers.

g - giving (do they spoil you?)

definitely - he has money so why not use it to spoil you? he'll buy you whatever you want, and even if you just mention it in passing then he'll make sure you get it. he wants to make sure that you have everything and anything you could ever ask for.

h - honeymoon (what did you two do for your honeymoon?)

probably takes you on the grandest vacation you could ever ask for. limo to the airport, first class to your destination, five-star hotel, tonnes of shopping, plenty of relaxation time, fancy dinners every night and honestly he pulls out all the stops for absolutely everything.

i - invest (how much do they contribute to your marriage?)

with all of the hero work he's doing, its hard for him to constantly contribute things to your marriage - but when he can he tries his damn hardest. he always makes sure that you're comfortable and happy, and whenever you're feeling lonely he'll try his hardest to take a week or so off so he can cheer you up and make sure you're ok. he's always there for you, just a phone call away, and he wants you to remember that.

j - jealous (do they still get jealous even though you're completely theirs?)

he doesn't get jealous, but he certainly doesn't like it when other people make the moves on you. he's really blunt about it to be honest: "would you please refrain from hitting on my partner? they're happily married to me thank you very much".

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