tattoos || headcanon

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anonymous asked: Can you please do a headcanon about Izuku, Todoroki, and Shinso reacting to their S/O wanting to get a tattoo?


izuku midoriya

at first he's kind of apprehensive - its a lot of commitment and he just wants to make sure that you're 100% certain that you want a tattoo.

of course he'll be supportive when you confirm that that's what you want - but he'll probably still triple check then triple check again that that's the design that you actually want.

holds your hand whilst you get the tattoo, although to be honest it's more to comfort him than it is to comfort you.

shouto todoroki

he won't really tell you whether he agrees or disagrees with it, and at most he'll probably just warn you of how much it hurts.

he approves of all of the designs you suggest, but he won't tell you what he recommends - if you're going to get a tattoo thena t the very least he wants it to be of something that he knows you want.

he'll go with you when you get it done, and he'll be there to comfort you if you're in a lot of pain, but he won't tell you "i told you so".

hitoshi shinsou

he'll probably try and persuade you out of it to be honest - it's such a permanent thing and he doesn't want you to regret it.

but if you're adamant about it then he'll accept your decision - he just wants to ensure that you're happy with your decision, and if you are then he'll respect that.

he'll be there for you during the tattoo if you want him to be there, but if you complain about the pain he'll definitely just smirk at you and be like "mhm".

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