made with love || headcanon

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anonymous asked: Hey there! Thank you for opening the requests again :3 I would love to see some headcanons for Kirishima and Tamaki: How would they react, if their CRUSH gave them homemade chocolates for Valentine's Day? Thanks in advance!!


eijirou kirishima

he'd ask you if you're sure they're meant for him.

he's kind of taken aback and feels bad that he hasn't got you anything in return - it's really unmanly of him.

goes out of way to make sure that he gets something for you.

the fact that they're homemade makes his heart flutter even more and when he tries them out he praises them non-stop.

might ask you to feed one to him.

tamaki amajiki

tamaki.exe has stopped responding.

it probably takes him a couple hours to register the fact that his crush got him chocolates.

panics and probably asks nejire and mirio what he should do.

probably gets mirio to give you some chocolates and feels really guilty that he didn't get you some right away even though he knows he probably could never emotionally handle that.

red, shaking and delirious about what just happened.

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