marriage alphabet || denki kaminari

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a - about (what about you made them want to marry you?)

probably the fact that he can be a complete idiot and goofball around you without being judged. he knows that he can himself around you, and he knows that you'll be a goofball with him too. it's always a fun time when the pair of you are around, and he knows that if he's ever sad then you're instantly there to cheer him up again.

b - baby (would they want kids with you as soon as possible?)

he wouldn't want them immediately, but he would want them maybe a year or two after the two of you get married. honestly he really just wants to see what your kids would look and be like, and he can't help but grin when he thinks about it. he'd love to have a family with you, but if you don't want one them he's totally fine with that - pets are just as good at being babies as actual babies are. but rest assured, if the two of you do have children he'll be the best dad ever - equal parts fun and firm.

c - celebration (how would they celebrate your anniversaries?)

he'd probably buy you tonnes of flowers of all different types because he forgot which ones are your favourite, you'll have tonnes of boxes of chocolate and he definitely will eat them all, and he'll cook his signature hamburgers for a romantic night in on the couch watching comedy gigs the two of you have watched countless times. don't be mistaken though - if you want something grand and fancy then he'll do his best to pull out all of the stops - don't underestimate him.

d - divorce (how would they handle if you wanted a divorce? what caused it?)

he'd be absolutely devastated and very teary - he'd definitely cry a hell of a lot and probably wouldn't ask your reasons behind it to stop it from hurting more than it already does. the reason for the divorce most likely would have been his lack of a seriousness, you probably find him too childish.

e - earnest (are they serious about your marriage? or can they be a little immature about it?)

he's not a serious guy, and he can be really immature at times, but he is dead serious about your marriage. it's the most precious thing to him on the face of this earth and he certainly wouldn't be reckless with it at all. any time someone tries to make an advance on him he's quick to shut them down and let them know he's in a committed relationship.

f - favorite (what was your favorite things before and after you got married to each other?)

he loves being a complete goof with you and being able to pull small pranks of you. the two of you have this little prank war going on, it wasn't too big before you got married - just the occasional whoopie cushion and whip cream pie to the face - but after marriage it turns into a full fledged war - hiding all your clothes and leaving only a clown suit, putting mouse traps all over the floor of your bedroom so you can't get to the bathroom when you wake up and moving everything in the house to the right a couple inches so you constantly walk into everything.

"something just doesn't feel right about the house" "what do you mean, babe?" "it feels like everything has moved when it hasn't" "that's odd"

g - giving (do they spoil you?)

definitely. he loves spoiling you, although most of the time he buys you things that you definitely don't need and it never goes well with the house - but of course him and his gaudy style doesn't register that.

h - honeymoon (what did you two do for your honeymoon?)

disney world. it's the happiest place on earth and denki definitely wants to do something that gives the two of you a thrill - and the numerous roller-coasters there do the job just fine. if you'd rather do something else he'd probably take you to a city along a beach, so you can go shopping and relax on the beach, and he can do many of the water-sports being offered along the coastline.

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