bork bork || shouto todoroki

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Why did you agree to do this?

Your breath hitched sightly when Shouto finally came into view, a small smile slipping onto his lips when he greeted Midoriya, who had rushed off to go and get him. Your eyes were locked on him as Midoriya lead him over to your small group, comprised of yourself, Iida and Uraraka, and he joined you all at the small table you had all sat at. He easily joined the conversation, the smile he shot your way causing your heart to flutter wildly and you returned it awkwardly.

Dammit why was it so difficult for you to talk to him?

Uraraka and Iida marched you around various shops, Shouto keeping pace with Midoriya and you lagging behind them ever so slightly, eyes burning holes into the back of his head. Whenever he looked your way you averted your gaze hastily, and whenever he tried to talk to you all you could do was let out squeaks and one word replies. After shopping, Uraraka raced over to an ice cream stand, waving you all over wildly. You went to join her, studying the menu of options.

"What are you going to get?" You tensed when Todoroki's breath hit the back of your neck, gnawing at your bottom lip as you turned around to face him. The space between his eyebrows was creased slightly as he concentrated on the menu, lingering on it for a moment before snapping his gaze back to you. A squeak left your lips, and you looked away shyly.

"Probably just chocolate..." you mumbled.

"But isn't chocolate poisonous for dogs?"


When you finally tore your eyes away from the ground you were struck by the concern marring his features, his eyebrows furrowed. "Your Quirk allows you to transform into a dog, right? And chocolate is poisonous to dogs. Won't you get ill?"

Heat crept up your neck. "Oh! No! My Quirk doesn't work like that I'll be fine really!" you rushed out, ducking your head to hide your blush. You quickly stepped up to place your order, rushing over to a bench when the cone was handed to you and eating it anxiously, leg bouncing. You stiffened when he sat down beside you, and when you snuck a glance you were surprised to see him nonchalantly eating his own ice cream. The two of you sat in silence, eating your ice creams, until Todoroki leaned close to you suddenly.

"I'm sorry if this offends you, but do you have a urge to stiff butts whilst you're in dog form?"


A startled yelp escaped your lips as you fell onto the ground, fur blocking your vision as you rolled around, eventually finding your feet and shaking the fur out of your eyes. You instantly locked eyes with Todoroki, who was looking down at you in mild surprise. For a moment you were more than relieved to have accidentally transformed into your dog form - you would most certainly be blushing head to toe right now - but you were equally embarrassed by the sudden transformation.

You moved to transform back, but were stopped when a vanilla ice cream cone was positioned in front of your nose, the tantalizing smell tempting you. You resisted your urge to lick it, eyes snapping up to Todoroki once more, who smiled warmly at you, eyes brimming with affection.

"I heard dogs like vanilla ice cream."

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