Chapter 11

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Bucky didn't have any nightmares that night as they slept in his bed. Steve lightly knocked on the door when Bucky woke up to change places and allow Bucky to have a shower.

The darker haired man turned to look at his childhood friend with a smile.

"She's still asleep." He said looking back to the girl in his arms. Elle had moved closer to Bucky in her sleep. Now they where a tangle of arms around each other and legs together. Her head was on his chest and her hair was splayed out on the pillow.

"I guess sleeping for 70+ years take it out of you." Steve joked, they both chuckled a little to it.

Bucky placed a small kiss on the top of Elle's head and reluctantly moved out of her embrace. When he was on his feet he turned to Steve and pulled him into a hug that was quickly returned. When they pulled away they both had a reset or two in their eye.

"Alright I'm going to use the shower in the hall and get some food. I'll take over in a few hours if she's not a wake." Bucky said as he looked back at Elle. Steve nodded and Bucky left to go have a shower with one last look over his shoulder at the sleeping girl.


Bucky was in the kitchen making spaghetti - a recipe he learnt when he was on the run. When he made a plate for himself he heard Sam talk behind him.

"How'd you meet her?" The bird man was was leaning against the bench behind him.

"What do you mean?" Bucky asked with his back still to the bird dude.

"The girl, Elle, how did you meet her?" He repeated again.

Bucky turned round and sat next to Sam on the bench after passing him a bowl.

"Me and Steve where kids when Steve's dad came home one day with this small girl next to him. He had gone on a long business trip to England for a few months and she was apparantly on the streets." Bucky finally answered while eating his spaghetti. "She was bone thin and our mothers thought she wasn't going to survive the year. But she did and as you know, we gave her the jewelry box. We just grew closer and closer as the years went on."

"That's adorable man." Sam said as he cleaned away their bowls. "Did you remember her when you where, you know?"

"I would dream of her and some times I would call out her name or become unfocused because my mind would just remembered the girl with the most beautiful smile." Bucky looked at his hands smiling sadly. "I guess that I would unconsciously try and find her when I was awake."

Sam smiled at him over the bench and looked past Bucky to see a figure in the door way. He knew who it was.

"I know we never have met before, but my name is Sam." He said as he walked to the girl in the doorway. Holding out his hand for her to shake. "You must be Elle, I've heard a lot about you."

"I can't say the same about you but it's nice to meet you Sam." Elle said as she gave the man's hand a firm shake. With a smile in Sams direction she looked past him to see Bucky sitting at the bench staring at her. "I know, I'm not even used to the pants yet as well."

She was wearing something a lady named Natasha gave her. It was a dark red blouse and black fitting pants and of course underwear that was more revealing than what she was used to. But it was new and comfortable since they had no dresses that she would normally wear. Bucky stared at her like a school boy, his eyes noticing everything that she had in a way. She wasn't used to it like she wasn't used to the fitted pants.

Elle turned to Sam.

"Is there anything I can eat?"

"Sure." Sam seemed shocked when she suddenly asked. "I'll get a bowl for you."

"Thank you so much." And Sam went to get a bowl as Elle went to sit next to Bucky on the stool.

"How are you?" Bucky spoke up after a long moment of just looking at her.

"I'm fine." She smiled at him honestly.

A moment of silence passed between the two, no one really knowing what to do.

"I've missed you." He couldn't stop the words from coming out. He could see Sam facepalm out of the corner of his eye. 'oh yeah right, she just woke up' he remembered. But he couldn't stop himself. "I've missed you everyday that I could remember."

Elle stood and took him in her arms her head resting on the top of his as he stayed sat on the stool. He leaned into her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She could feel his metal arm through the shirt but she didn't flinch because it was still Bucky.

"Steve told me what happened to you." She said as she ran her fingers through his hair. "It was a simple version but I understand. I'm so sorry about what happened."

"I'm a monster, Elle." He said into her embrace, it didn't brake and she didn't flinch when he said it. "I'm a monster."

"You can think your a monster Bucky." Elle said softly. "But I still love you, forever and always."

Bucky raised his head from her chest and looked at her. It had been 70 something years since they told each other they loved each other. It's been life times since someone had told him he was loved. And he couldn't stop himself as he slowly stood from his seat to tower over her and captured her mouth in a lingering kiss.

He poured years of missing her and the unconscious love he had for her into that kiss as she kissed him back with just as much passion and love. It had been a lifetime since they last kissed but it was worth it, he thought, because he finally got to have her forever again.

When they finally pulled away Sam stood there awkwardly holding Elle's bowl of spaghetti.

"Man it's like seeing my grandparents kiss." He said with an uncomfortable laugh and set the bowl down before rushing out the room. Passing a grinning Steve and a curious Tony and Peter.

"It's good to have your guys back." Steve said with a smirk. "Even though Bucky might steal you again, Elle."

At that, Bucky glared at him and whispered something about punks as he sat down at the bench again.

"You guys are so cute!" Peter shouted. He ran up to Elle. "Hi I'm Peter, you must be Elle. It's amazing that your here."

Elle laughed and shook his outstretched hand.

"It's nice to meet you, Peter." She smiled at him and in return he beamed at her.

Tony stepped forward and outstretched his hand for her to shake.

"I'm Tony Stark, Howard's son." He explained.

Elle looked shocked.

"Howard never had a son when I knew him." She said shaking his hand as well and smiling at him.

"Yeah I was a late addition." Tony joked as he dropped his hand to his side again and walked into the kitchen to get some spaghetti.

Elle smiled at Steve and gave him a quick hug before sitting down next to Bucky again and began to eat her food. She didn't realise how hungry she was because inhaled her food and was already on her third bowl.

She knew Steve and her mother would be 'reminding' her of her manners if she was still alive. Steve and Bucky just chuckled in amusement when she was half way through her third bowl, knowing all too well that their mothers would never allow Elle act in such a 'unlady-like' manner if they saw her eat so much food. When they where younger they tried to 'train' Elle to act more like a lady so one day she might get a husband - to be fair they both knew it was going to be Bucky.

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