Chapter 7

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A week had past since the discovery of Elle, and the house has never tiptoed over something as much as they are now. No one has seen Bucky till the day before when he walked back into the compound with dirt and blood covering him, no one would ask him where he was. No one really wanted to know.

Steve was brooding and going off into thought more often. It hurt the avengers seeing their two strong warriors in pain for something that is far out of their reach.

Tony was in his lab and off tearing down the walls to make more room.

"What are you doing?" Steve's voice calls from behind Tony.

"Making room for new equipment." Tony replies, back facing him.

"Maybe you should just build another floor?"

"Too boring. Besides this was where my dad worked underground a few times. I like this room."

"Fine." Steve pushed off the wall he was resting against and was about to turn around and walk up the stairs when he heard a thud and Tony calling out.

"Steve. I think I found something."

Spinning on his foot not really interested in what Tony had found. His eyes met a steel door bolted and Tony staring at it with a sledge hammer hanging loosely from his hands. Their eyes met and Tony spoke up.

"I'm opening it."

"Tony it could be dangerous." Steve said as he walked up to Tony and the door.

But apparently his words fell deaf to Tony's ears as the inventor lifted the hammer over his head and slammed it down on the bolt with all his might.

The bolt broke and smashed against the floor. Tony turned to face Steve only to find the super soldier looking at him like he's the biggest idiot in the world.

"What was that?" Natasha called while coming down the stairs with Clint.

"Oh nothing just Tony doing what he normally does." Steve responded while picking up the smashed bolt lock.

"Oh cool what is that?" Clint voiced up.

"No clue" Tony mumbles as he opens the door.

"You're a dumbass you know that right." Steve announces.

"Yeah, yeah" Walking into a dark room on the other side of the door, Tony tripped.

The other three followed him into the room. All of sudden the lights came on and they turned to find Tony at the wall with the light switches looking around the room.

It was a pretty average room, it had old a bed and a old suitcase on it. There was a old radio on top of an old fashioned wardrobe.

Steve walked closer to the radio and picked it up.

"This rooms been here from 1945." He stated to the others.

"But how the compound was just built a few years ago?" Natasha asked.

"Um, actually this basement was my father's in during the war and stuff. It had a cover to people would just think it's a weird looking bush from above ground. When the compound was built we decided this spot so I could use the lab. I used to ride out and play in here when I was little." Tony explained as he walked closer to the bed and examined the suitcase.
"You're right Steve, this stuff is from the 1940's."

"How do you know?" Clint asked.

"There's a year on it."

"Well if it's from the 40s, then what was this room used for?"

"More like who." Steve mumbled while still holding the radio. "It's funny, it looks exactly like my old radio from home. The one that Elle gave me before she left."

"Maybe it was another thing given to my father?" Tony shrugged as he looked around the room. "Uh guys, what's that?"

Every one looked to where Tony was pointing. In the furthest corner was covered by a Curtin that hanged from the ceiling.

"Tony this is your lab, you should know."

"Hush stevie-poo."

Natasha rolled her eyes at the two men squabble and made he way over to the Curtin. She looked up at where it hanged from the ceiling and pulled it down from the little rusted hooks. In a flood of material, it fell to the floor revealing a metal capsule with a large glass window that was frosted over. With the material of her sleeve she wipped some of the frost away the see what was inside.

She quickly stepped back and turned to the squabbling men and shouted.

"You might want to see this."

They looked at her and the big capsule behind her, Tony and Clint filled with a sudden curiosity went over to the capsule window and took a peek. They too pulled away and looked at Natasha who nodded then at Steve. Tony walked away from the capsule and said.

"Steve you're going to want to see this."

Steve rolled his eyes and walked up to the capsule. He took a look into the glass and saw her.

There she was with hair that he would recognise from anywhere. Not even 70+ years asleep could stop him from forgetting her. Like a goddess she was frozen in some type of liquid. Her hair spread around her hair and the more frost Steve rubbed away the more he could see her more clearly. She was in a hospital type gown, her feet bare and on her finger was the ring. Bucky's ring.

It was Elle.

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