Chapter 5: Hungry

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Ridge awoke with the farmiliar back pain he had felt the night before. He sat up and saw Holly still asleep. His stomach was hurting like crazy. The farm still had a while before it could produce enough wheat to make bread. If only they had bone meal.

Suddenly, an idea struck Ridge's head. Wither skeletons! They could make bone meal from their bones! He looked at Holly, who was still asleep. He would surprise her with some nice bread when she woke up.

Ridge grabbed his sword out of the chest and headed out the door. In order to find Wither skeletons, he would have to find a Nether fortress. He began exploring the fiery realm of the Nether.


About 20 minutes after Ridge left, Holly woke up. She yawned and looked around. A pang of fear filled her heart when she saw Ridge's empty wooden bed. He was nowhere to be seen.

Holly leaped to her feet frantically. What happened to him?! Did he get attacked by mobs? Did he go exploring on his own? Tears stung Holly's eyes, threatening to fall any second. She opened the chest and searched frantically for her sword. She noticed Ridge's sword was missing. He must've gone out on his own.

Holly crashed into the iron door, eager to get out. She was angry at her stupidity. She got back up an pressed the button to open the door, then continued running out frantically.


Ridge's feet touched the warm netherrack as he jogged. He was looking left and right in search of the familiar deep purple-maroon color of netherbricks, forming a Nether fortress.

Ridge scrutinized the lava lake to his right. He noticed a bit of that netherbrick color far out in the distance. He squinted to make sure his eyes weren't playing tricks on him.

Suddenly, he felt a pain in his ankle and felt himself tipping over. Ridge landed on the ground with a thud. The warm netherrack soothed the sudden pain in his cheek. Ridge felt a strange sensation in his left arm. It was cold in some places, but unbelievably hot in others. He lifted his head up to see his arm touching an orange flame. Ridge leaped instantly to his feet. The spot on his arm was stinging so much, it was unbearable. He let out a scream and flailed his arm around in the air. He then pressed on the wound with his right hand, which soothed it a little. A tear left Ridge's eye, and his teeth were gritted. He was breathing in and out quickly, trying to bear the pain.

Ridge heard a cry and snapped his head towards the direction it came from, just in time to see a fireball rapidly approaching him. He leaped out of it's way and skidded on the ground.

Ridge curled up in a ball and squeezed his eyes shut, preparing for the next one. He heard the ghast shoot, then he heard a familiar voice grunt. His eyes flew open to see Holly standing in front of him, sword in hand, watching as the fireball hit and killed the ghast. She turned around and her face lit up at the sight of Ridge. Ridge stood up as she ran towards him, only to be knocked back over when Holly tackled him in a hug. "Thank Notch you're ok," she said. Holly pulled back from their hug and kissed him. Ridge wrapped his arms around her waist.

When they finally pulled apart, Holly asked, "What are you doing here? I was worried sick about you."

"I thought I'd get some bone meal to grow the wheat and surprise you."

"That's sweet, but why would you go out on your own?! You were nearly killed!"

"I don't know, I guess it was pretty stupid of me."

"I'm just glad you're ok," Holly said, before returning to kissing Ridge.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2014 ⏰

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