Chapter 1: Beginnings

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"Come on, pleeeeease?" Holly begged, "Isn't 24 enough?"

"Nope," the blacksmith replied, "35 gold nuggets even, no less!"

Holly groaned. "But I really need that diamond pick!" she whined.

"Then go mine it yourself!" the blacksmith argued.

Holly groaned again. "Fine!" she yelled, before storming out of the building.

She got her iron pickaxe out of her pack and sighed. Guess it's down in the caves again for me, she thought to herself.

Holly walked away from the village, in search of a cave. As the sun set, she saw a zombie approaching her, but she was much too angry to properly deal with it. She drew her iron sword and threw it at the zombie. It hit it straight in the head, sending it to the ground. Holly picked up her sword as she walked past, a scowl on her face.

She found herself at the entrance of a cave. Holly drew a torch and entered. If she wanted diamonds, she'd have to go deep. She ignored pretty much all the ores, for she was determined to find either more gold or some diamonds. You see, she needed a diamond pickaxe for her plan. Just like any other Minecrafter's quest, hers was to mine obsidian, go to the Nether, get some blaze rods, use them for Ender Eyes, then go to the End and kill the Ender Dragon.

Holly turned a corner and was struck with delight. Gold! She found some gold! Now she'd be able to buy that pickaxe. She mined it up with her iron pickaxe then heaved it into her pack, before making her way to the surface.

When she emerged, she realized it was still dark out. She'd have to set up camp in the dark, cold cave. Holly got out some wood from her pack and started crafting. She made a crafting table, and used that to make a bed and a furnace. She then mined some coal and started cooking the gold she mined. She set her bed near the burning furnace, far enough so it wouldn't catch on fire, but still keep her warm at night. As the coal burned in the stone furnace, Holly snuggled up in her bed and drifted to sleep...


Holly awoke, shivering and cold. She looked over at the furnace she had left burning, and found it had stopped. She facepalmed. How could she be so stupid?! Of course the furnace wouldn't burn all night! Holly quickly stuck her arm back under the covers, trying to warm up. She shivered and stuck her head under the covers.

Suddenly, "sssssSSSSSssssssSSSSSSSsssSsss BOOM!" Holly and her bed were thrown against the cave wall, and everything went black.


As he searched for a cave, Ridge ate a piece of pumpkin pie. When he finished it, he could feel his health fill. He felt more energized, so he kicked his gait up to a run as he searched.

After a little bit of running, he spotted a large cave entrance. "Perfect!" he said aloud. He sprinted toward the entrance and pushed his auburn hair out of his face.

Ridge entered the cave, and noticed the torches on the walls. Clearly someone had been here before. He walked in casually and looked around. He noticed there were still many ores on the walls. Whoever had been here clearly didn't care for these ores. Ridge walked a little further and gasped when he saw a girl, unconscious on the ground, next to a bed and a furnace. He ran over to her and knelt beside her. He put his ear to her heart to see if it was beating. Good. She was alive.

He noticed something in her furnace. He opened it up and found 4 gold ingots. These must be hers, Ridge thought to himself. He gathered the ingots and put them in his pack, to give them to her later.

Ridge returned to the girl and picked her up. Wow, she's beautiful... he thought to himself as he looked at her. She had blonde, curly hair and her lips were pink. She was wearing a crown made out of leaves and vines, and there was a single pink flower on it.

Ridge broke out of his reverie and returned to the matter at hand. He had a healing potion at home that he could give her.


Holly awoke from her slumber. She felt a little woozy at first, but then she felt fine. There was a strange aftertaste in her mouth...

She sat up and found herself in her house. Strange, the last thing she remembered was falling asleep in a cave...

She got out of her bed and saw 4 gold ingots on her table. That reminded her of the pickaxe she wanted. Holly grabbed the ingots and crafted them into nuggets. Perfect! She now had 60 gold nuggets, so after buying her pick, she'd have 25 to spare!

Holly walked down the street and to the blacksmith. She set her nuggets on the table and proudly said, "One diamond pickaxe, please!"

"Look who finally decided to go mining instead of begging," the blacksmith rudely said, rolling his eyes.

"Don't dampen my mood," Holly pointed at the blacksmith, "Just give me my pickaxe."

The blacksmith rolled his eyes again and pulled a pickaxe out from a nearby chest. He put it on the table and grabbed Holly's gold nuggets. As he put them away, he said, "Bye."

"Rude!" Holly said playfully as she took the pick and exited the building.

Once she was outside, she stopped and looked at her pickaxe. A huge smile appeared on her face and she squealed with joy.

Holly walked back to the cave she had been in the night before. Strangely, her bed and empty furnace was still there. Holly was too excited to give much thought into it though. She was so excited and eager to take the next step into her quest!

Holly explored the cave, looking for obsidian. She did a left turn here, right turn there, climbed up a wall here, swam down some water there, when she reached a glowing cave. She nearly fainted at the sight.

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