Chapter Twenty-Six

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"I want to tell you guys a secret," I look up at them, they all look a bit suspicious but Levi nods for me to go on. I sigh. "Not even my old gang knew this so..." I trail off at the end of the sentence thinking about my old gang. All of them but Sean was surprised that I was in a gang prior to this one. He really didn't tell anyone else.

"The person who did this to me was my father and his gang," I look down feeling their stares burning into me. "This isn't the first time something like this happened, it used to happen all the time when I was living with him only when I moved out and deleted myself from his radar was I clear from the daily torture." I close my eyes tightly as my screams of pain and my fathers laugh echos in my mind.

"I never wanted anyone to know, my father always bragged about how well I could handle the torture and that I had only been to the hospital twice, it was only because he got angry and took it out on me." I didn't want to look up to see their faces of pity, I didn't expect when one of the members, Kyle, stormed out of the room. I flinched when he slammed the door.

Caleb came and sat next to me on the bed, "don't worry about him. He reacted the same when I told him about my parents, I know how you feel, don't feel guilty about it we can't help it if our parents are psychopaths." I looked up to him with surprise, "my father was like that as well, just not as bad as yours." Hearing that made me chuckle, I didn't think anyone could be worse than my father.


I was stuck in the hospital for a week before I was allowed to leave, I almost cried when I was told that I was all good to leave. Over that week I became really close to Caleb, we would talk about the days our fathers would beat and torture us. It was an odd topic to bond on but it helped us.

It became less awkward with Sean which was good. The members never took me back out in public, they were also trying to track down my father. I soon learnt their roles in the gang, Benjamin, Connor and Lucas were the hackers. Levi and Kris were the drivers and Sean, Steve, Kyle, Travis, Caleb and Xavier were the fighters. Now not saying that the others couldn't fight at all, they could and very well at that. The medical team was Levi, Lucas, Benjamin and Xavier. Levi and Lucas had their doctors degree and Benjamin and Xavier had their nurses degree.

I was told I was going to be apart of the fighters and drivers, I would swap between the two when needed.

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