Chapter Twenty

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After that night I stayed in my room. I was going to lock it but realised that they would just unlock it anyway, also, Xavier needed to come in as well. After all, it is his room as well. I avoided everyone, I also didn't eat or shower. The only person I couldn't avoid was Xavier, I was fine with that cause we didn't speak. My trust in them was slowly breaking, it wasn't that strong before but now it is almost nonexistent.

Every day, I grew paler and paler, from not eating or drinking. I rarely slept as well, the memories of my childhood haunt me whenever I close my eyes. I could tell Xavier was getting worried as every time he came into our room I hadn't moved from my position under the blankets, staring blankly at the wall.

On the fourth day of me not moving from under the covers, I started to get sleepy. A smile was on my face because I knew that I could finally sleep without having nightmares. Xavier came into the room and I was fast asleep. Well for me I was but to him I looked dead. He called my name a few times then walked over to me when I didn't respond. He shook my shoulder I few times, but I still didn't respond. He started yelling my name in my ear. But I didn't hear it.

He ran out of the room and called the members. "Guys!" He yelled as loud as he could, "Emergency!" All the members, minus Sean and I, ran up the stairs and stopped in front of Xavier. "What is it?" Kris asks, "M.X's not waking up, nor moving." This made them panic, Lucas and Levi ran into the room and came straight over to me.

They started to try and wake me up, but their attempts were invalid, I didn't respond no matter what the did. "Connor, come here!" Levi calls out. Connor speed walks over to Levi, "what do you need me to do?" He asks hurriedly, "I need you to pick him up and take him to the medical room. We will follow in a minute. Lay him on an empty bed, not next to Sean either." Connor nods, he walks over to me and picks me up, eyes widening at how light I am.

As soon as Connor reached the medical room, Sean's eyes widened as he saw me lying motionless in Connor's arms. Connor put me on a bed delicately as if I was made of glass. Levi, Lucas and the others arrived not too long later. Sean wanted to ask, or demand, questions but he knew that none of them would answer because they are concentrated on trying to help me.

When I woke up I had an IV drip in my arm probably containing fluids I had rejected for the past four or five days. Sean wasn't in the room, his bed was unmade telling me he was still sleeping in here. I felt exhausted and hungry, but that is probably what you get for not sleeping or eating for the past four or five days.

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