Chapter One

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Ow shit, my head hurts so much. I reach and touch the back of my head and feel a wet sticky substance dripping down, I move my hand to the front of my face and look at it. It's blood, why do I have blood on my head? Suddenly all the memories of last night rush and hit me like a truck.

My gang and I were sitting in our meeting room when we were ambushed, we had no weapons to defend ourselves. It was a bloodbath, my gang was trying hard to fight the oppositions without weapons but it was proved difficult. Soon it was only me and my best mate in the gang, Jake, left. There were four guys approaching two with guns one with a knife and one with a baton. Two of the guys went to grab us but I kicked a guy in the shin then in the stomach when he was hunched over. One of the guys with a gun aimed it at me. The other guy with the gun aimed it at Jake, we couldn't do anything with a gun pointed at us. "If anyone of you move we will shoot," the guy with the baton said. He must be the leader.

The guy with the knife looked at the guy with the baton. The guy holding the baton nodded his head and the guy with the knife pointed at me and nodded his head towards the two males holding the guns, they nodded back. They both cocked their guns and Jake and I held hands tightly and bracing for the bullet to hit. I heard a gunshot and Jake hand get looser, I opened my eyes to see Jake leaning against the wall holding his chest and scrunching his face up in pain.

"Jake!" I screamed. I quickly squatted down next to him and took his free hand in mine. "J-Jake, h-hey Jake look at me." He looked up at me with scared eyes, he looked back down at his chest where blood was quickly flowing out of. "Jake y-you can't die like this. N-No Jake, you aren't going to d-die." I said quickly while trying to stop the bleeding on his chest.

"M-Max, I won't make it...y-you know it." He said while coughing and with a small voice. "J-Jake, p-please don't g-go," I said while crying. "B-Bye M-Max," Jake said with a fading voice. His hand went limp in mine. I started whispering for him to come back but knowing he won't. Soon I am dragged away from Jake by the two guys with guns then that is when I realise that all of my gang members are dead, even the leader. My breath soon turns into soft stutters from crying. The guys pull me to stand up then I am hit on the head with something hard and my body crumples to the ground as I black out.

Once I get out of the horrid memories, I look around and that is when I realise I am locked in a cage. 

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