Chapter Thirteen

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After everyone had drunk all of the beer and wine we all head off to our rooms and into bed. I was feeling tired before but when I hopped into bed all I could do was start to think. My mind had a million questions flying around. My main thought is, why haven't they asked about how I was in the auction? Sure Sean asked me but he is the leader I expected him to ask. But I am waiting for him to ask about my family and my friends.

I feel like getting up and walking around outside for a bit but I don't know the area at all. It would also be a worry if I got lost and couldn't find my way back to the house. I am going to ask Sean if I can visit my old house, with him or another member, tomorrow. I need to grab some things from there because it is where I spent most of my life.

I am startled out of my thoughts by the sound of something dropping from the lounge room or the kitchen. I slowly make my way out of my room and down the stairs, thankfully the stairs don't creek from the weight of my body. I don't have any weapon to defend myself with but that is the least of my problems.

I have made my way downstairs and into the doorway of the lounge room. It has become quiet again, luckily I put my socks on before I made my way down here because it as helped muffle my footsteps. I can make out a figure in the dark. They are looking for something for sure, they are going through cupboards, shelves and glass cases.

I slowly creep up towards them, I can only see the shapes of furniture and ornaments placed on shelves and tables. The person is too caught up in looking for something to notice me. When I get close enough I put them in a chokehold. They start to thrash around and pull at my arms to get me to let go, I hold my ground and make my grip tighter so it makes it even harder for them to breath.

They manage to push me into the coffee table in front of the couch, the table falls over onto its side and makes a loud thud. This makes my grip on the persons neck loose enough for them to escape. I slowly get up from the floor, when I am able to stand I look up to the person and see that they are aiming a gun right at me. This triggers memories of the attack, I am frozen momentarily.

I put my hands up in surrender, but I am slowly making my way towards the unknown figure. I can hear a few people coming down the stairs. While the person is distracted by the other members rushing down the stairs I use this time to attack them. As I am about two jump gunshots go off.

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