(27) Obssessed

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    "Do you know what you do to my heart?", "What's your favorite song on the new album?", and "Who is your favorite member?" Those were just some of the few questions Jae got asked regularly and with each question she answered happily with the biggest smile because she was with some of her favorite people in the world, besides her family and her boys, ATINY.

Meeting ATINYs from all over the world was probably one of her treasured things on the planet and it's not just because they're fans of the group, but because she can feel everything that they're feeling just by touching their hands and looking them in the eyes. Some would walk up to her baring gifts, plushies, accessories, letters and even snacks for a member of the group during the exciting fansigns. It never goes unnoticed by Jae whenever a female fan skips over her with a disgusted or uninterested look on their face, but she never minded it considering that it didn't just happen to her. However this time around she wish she had been skipped...

Holding the girl's hand she smiled a reassuringly to let her know that there was no need to be nervous. Signing the album she nodded along to what the younger girl was saying, "Really? Me?" Watching her nod her head yes enthusiastically made her smile widen if that was even possible. Handing her back the album she took her other hand in her own in order to continue their conversation properly, but neither of them could focus with an impatient San waiting for his turn. Waving goodbye to the younger girl it was now her turn to wait. Her eyes scanned over the sea of people coming to a stop on a boy who looked rather familiar even though she was sure they'd never met before. Shaking herself of the uncomfortable feeling she felt from being under her gaze Jae adjusted the headband she was wearing before looking over at the maknae of the group who seemed a bit distracted himself.

He had noticed the boy long before Jae did in fact he had noticed him at the airport, how his eyes never left the female member and how he looked as though he were in love with her, but that wasn't love, he was obsessed and he knew it. He scooted his chair closer to hers and kept his eye on Jae and the boy who go closer and closer to meeting all of them. With every fan that went by he found himself not being able to concentrate he felt himself become uneasy... His gut was trying to tell him something. Something was going to happen, and he didn't know what it was or when it could possibly happen so he did the only thing that seemed right and he told his members, minus Jae since he didn't want to worry her, and the staff.

His members hadn't noticed anything and the staff said they'd keep an eye out... except it was a bit too late for that now...

The boy quickly went down the line before finally stopping in front of Jae who held out her hand for him to take. They spent their time together she signed his album and before they both knew it it was time for him to move on to San, but he didn't. He gripped on to her hand tighter not wanting to let go or let the moment or connection that he felt between the two of them disappear. His eyes scanned over her and then his surroundings in a swift motion before he aggressively pulled her forward, out of her chair, and into the table. Noticing the security running over he pushed himself up on to the table allowing her to slip her hand out of his. Before she knew it all she of the boys except for one were on their feet and surrounding her as she was pulled on to the lap of none other than the maknae who had scooter his chair back and wrapped his arms around her protectively.

Her heart was racing, her hands were shaking and she was sure she was going to have a bruise from how tightly the fan had his grip on her. She didn't know what to do or how to feel... She could hear one of the boys talking to her but every word just went in one ear and out of the other.

She had never seen anyone act that way before and it happened to her? It was just wild, his behavior was wild. Running her fingers over her and and up to her wrist she looked back at Jongho who refused to let her go. He had saved her from something that probably could've gotten much worse. Nobody knew what his intentions were but they were all glad that the youngest of the group took action. She hugged him tightly feeling the tears she hadn't realized she'd been holding back prick her eyes. Releasing him from her grip she was led off stage to calm down, she felt as though she was overreacting to the whole situation with crying but she couldn't stop. She was scared.

She should have just trusted her instincts when she thought he looked familiar! She had seem him before but she wanted to believe that he just had one of the faces where you want to believe it was just a coincidence. Sitting herself down on the small couch her head in her hands as she tried to settle her breathing she could hear footsteps getting closer. With every step her eyes attempted to squeeze themselves closed tighter and tighter until a hand was placed on her cheek. "Jae?", the voice caused her to let out a breath she had been holding in and open her eyes in relief to see Hongjoong crouched down in front of her.

"You're ok, yeah?", using his thumb he wiped away her tears blaming himself for letting them fall in the first place as he looked over at the others who stood off to the side with looks of worry. With a nod of her head they all sighed in relief before slowly approaching her. "Take your time, ok? You don't have to go back out there if you don't want to.", looking up at Seonghwa she nodded once again, the feeling of arms wrapping around her no longer coming as a surprise. A head leaned on her shoulder as a sign of comfort from the boy only days older than her, "Thank you... all of you."

She hadn't known that Jongho had his suspicions about the boy, hell, she wasn't even sure if he even cared about her, but after today she never had to question that again. She was safe because of them, yes security had pulled the boy away, but before security had even done anything the boys had surrounded her and one held her to confirm her safety. She was grateful and she always would be for the boys who came to her aid when someone with an image, thought, or influence troubled their mind; a compulsive interest seemingly beyond one's will to control; obsessed.

((First of all thank you for 1K votes! I'm so so grateful for all of you and I hope you know that. This was my first request and I'm so thankful for it because I thought I'd never get one! Requests are always open, I hope you're still enjoying the dailies, 'cause we only have two more left, and I hope you like this chapter!💞))

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