(11) Facts about Jae

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Facts About Jae:

– Was actually really nervous around the boys for a long time and barely spoke.

– She's ambidextrous, but her right hand is more dominant than the left.

– Has an intense resting bitch face and struggles to control it which makes people a bit intimidated by her.

– Has done a dance cover of Jimin's Serendipity, NCT U's Baby Don't Stop (ft San), EXO's Monster (ft Yunho) and a vocal cover of I.P.U by Wanna One.

– Tells jokes that only Wooyoung and Yunho laugh at. Literally the three of them end up leaning on each other close to tears while the rest, mainly Seonghwa, judge.

– Almost didn't debut with ATEEZ, but the boys refused to do it without her which resulted in emotional chaos.

– Is afraid to meet any of her role models. Hasn't revealed why, but she knows that she'll most likely cry.

– Makes it her every single day mission to bother Jongho and get a hug out of him.

– Wishes to one day have a strong friendship like the one Yeosang and Wooyoung have because she's never really had a best friend like that before.

–  Once told ATINY that maybe they could all be her best friend and most of them agreed, basically just scream, but aye it be like that sometimes.

– One of her favorite things to do is cuddle with San and help him with his English.

–  Carries their very first group picture with her whenever she travels because she believes it gives them good luck.

– Was asked who she thought gives the best hugs and without missing a beat she said it was Seonghwa. (Cue the upset and pouting bois.)

– Recently revealed that she's spoken to all of her friends lately except for Jungwoo and she misses him. (She misses "annoying" him with her lame jokes tbfh.)

Posted a pic with Hyunjin, but then immediately deleted it...that's not sus or anything.

The first album she bought was Sorry, Sorry by SUPER JUNIOR.

Around the time that they had debuted she suffered a minor leg injury and could not perform with the others.

Yeosang, Mingi and Seonghwa make her nervous, but she tries her best to hide it.

Refuses to acknowledge the fact that she's the shortest in the group??? Will literally act like she's never heard of the word short.

When asked who her favorite member of ATEEZ was she said ATINY because without them there wouldn't be an ATEEZ and they are one!

(Requests are still open!)

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