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"Hey" he shouted

She turned to look at him but didn't move , if she moved a step back she would fall .

"Please come down and don't do something dumb" he said but didn't have the courage to come any closer , fearing that she could jump if he did.

"Please" he said one more time.

She took a step forward and stood on the ground , Alec felt relieved .

"Why are you doing this ? There are many reasons to live" he said

"I don't have any" she said

"Try to find at least one , try to have passion for something so that you can live , try to love someone so you can live , try to find a reason" he said ، pleading for her to speak

She was silent .

"Why do you care? You don't know me" he was hoping on another response but she said that , her beautiful light brown eyes filled with tears.

"You are important , you're not made for no reason , you have a long life to live , there are many moments waiting for you , some filled with happiness and the others sorrow and pain , you have to step on them and try to find the positive side ... Always" Alec said.

She stood still , not uttering a word.

"Maybe one day you made a child smile , maybe you said a sweet word to someone which made him live , maybe you saved someone's live before , maybe you were the reason of a wide smile drawn on someone's face" he added waiting for her to reply but she didn't.

He held his hand in front of her to take , and she slowly took it and after that he pulled her into a hug .

"You are worth to live" he said in the hug .

And that day ended with the girl in her room thinking about what happened earlier . She needed time to think .

And Alec ended up in his room writing a song , with a new different topic.

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