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Carlisle POV

"Hey this flowers was delivered by Aro to give to Alce and Seth family" Emmett said "he olny did because Jane was on his guard and seth was her mate" Rosalie say "no it was more to that he saw them as his child I know it may not seem like it for what he did to them but they was his children he saved them from they deaths a really long time ago and been with him until everything happen he loved them in his way." Edward says I know that he is going crazy right now for what he did he love her like she was his own daughter and she look at as her father that she never had. "What do you mean that she look at him like the father she never had did they have their mother and father when they was little?" Rue ask "no they die when they was only 3 years old so they take care of themselves until Aro saved them." "I know before we was put in the games they we did not like you will did but didn't but all the time but do you remember when we came after the fight with the newborn arms and she did not care about what was that newborn name again-' "Bee Tanner " "yes that it but she had me to use my gift on her so she did not feel anything when we killed her?" " yes?" "She did not want to kill her but if we did not we all could have get into trouble she was act like she did not care but when we get home she broke down in dry sobs for what happen she was thinking that she could have give her a second Chance but then she did not know what Caius will do if he found out that we give her a second chance she want to so badly to do it but she could not do it she blam herself for not doing the right thing that when we in the games she was so protective of Rue she did not want what happen to Bree to happen to Rue will she was human she let you turn her to right the wrong she had done to Bree Tanner."

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