Chapter Fourteen-

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Castiel gasped.

His eyes settling on the dark abyss with limited light.

The memories of the incident began to flood in. Some he didn't want to remember.
Then there was.. There was Dean. He had a tail.

Castiel sat up, his eyes roaming the darkness. He knew he was still asleep. It felt like a game he'd been playing over and over again. It was getting tiring.

He stood on his feet and began an endless journey. Even if it was the same place, it still felt different.

There was no 'De' watching him anymore. No demon waiting for him to wake up. It was just him.

Castiel walked for what seemed like years, but only a few minutes.

The more he walked the more the floor began to vibrate. That's not supposed to happen, is it?

The vibration became louder and eventually he could hear music. It was..

Pachelbel- Canon in D.

Castiel knew it by heart. His family had signed him up for piano lessons when he was in middle school.

Castiel followed the piano. Followed it until he reached a door. A slick black door, like the rest of the room he was currently in. It was open about two inches and the music was definitely coming from in there. This was different.

He stepped into the bright light, shutting his eyes as he blindly walked into the room.

The light eased and it all became talking.

Castiel squint. His eyes adjusting.

He awed the sight. It was a ball room. There were people dancing. All of them wore fancy clothing. The women wore big puffy dresses and the men wore different colored suits. Green, red, blue, all colors. All of them wore different colored masks to cover theire faces.

Castiel knew what this was. It was a Masquerade Ball.

"Sweetie! You can't be without a mask! Thankfully I've got you your own!"

A woman, with a mask on her face took Castiel by the hand and handed him a dark blue mask with glitter and a feather attached to it.

"What!? Who are you?"

Castiel pulled his hand away, the woman giving him a questioning look.

"It's me! Ellen. Now put the mask on!"

She brushed her dark red dress, puffy like the others and Castiel raised an eyebrow. Ellen never wore dresses.

"I'm not even dressed for the occasion. I mean look at m-"

Castiel glanced down at his own clothes. He wasn't wearing what he would have imagined.

He was wearing a Navy blue suit with with a blue tie. Ellen snatched the mask from his grasp and placed it on him herself.

Once it covered the top half of his face she smiled.

"GREAT TIMING. The dance is starting."

Castiel didn't have time to question her because he was being grabbed by a different hand and being dragged to the already forming pairs.

Castiel turned to face the female he was rudely dragged by.

She wore a bright pink dress. A mask of the same color.
The music began to change. Everyone began to waltz.

Castiel could definitely do this.

"I spotted you from across the room. I just had to dance with you."
She led Castiel on with a smile. Her lipstick polishing her lips.

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