Chapter One~

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(Murderer P.O.V)

"It's only a murder if they find a body, otherwise it's just another missing person.. I'm sure you knew already."
Leaning in, he couldn't help but grin at the fear in her eyes. The fear he put there.

"Please-" the word was barely able to slip out through a tight sob she was forced to hold. "Please don't kill me"

  He frowned,
"Kill you? Why would you think I'd ever do that??"
He moved away from her, and fixed the restraints on her arms and legs. "I want to play first"

   A whimper, oh he loved when they whimpered.. "There's something different about you.." Again another pause.
"I need you to be perfect for me. Someone's  going to watch us- we're going to be famous" He picked up a knife and perfectly threw it into the picture on one of the four bloody walls in the room. Along with the other pictures..

Her head moved to the side, being the only part of her body other than her toes and hands she was able to move. Her vision was definitely blurry from the mascara smeared on her face. Yet very faintly she could see a picture she hadn't seen before;

 Yet very faintly she could see a picture she hadn't seen before;

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"Special Agent Novak" he tried it on his tounge. It fit perfectly..

Next, a syringe. Once injected into her, her breathing rapidly increased,"Don't worry...That's adrenaline, to keep you from passing out that is."

He neatly placed an apron around him and smiled down at the pretty girl, placing a mask to cover his face next.
Lastly, he lifted a knife from a small table and clicked record on the camera a few feet away, the screaming began.
((Agent P.O.V))

"What the fucking fuck is this?!" Castiel tossed the file on the stack forming on the table."If I knew this was the crap I was going to put up with then I wouldn't of taken this case." He leaned back in his chair and ran a hand through his already worn out hair.

"Is that Swearing I hear??" The voice startled Castiel to have him jump to his feet and look towards the door. The person was Bobby Singer an aging man with a gray beard and balding head "Well you try dealing with this-" Castiel waved his hands at the desk beside him."You try looking for a murderer with Thirty-Nine victims and literally no dirt on him. Eighteen Years may I add."

Castiel sighed, something he'd been doing lately and plopped back down on his chair. At least the chairs were comfortable.

Now Bobby rolled his eyes, "It's been a week, you idgit. Don't go all baby on me. You've still got that missing girl, Lisa."

"For all we know- Lisa could of ran away. Her stats aren't what you call friendly. Arrested for prostitution and god knows what-"

"Don't matter, boy" Bobby interjected. "She could be connected to our guy. You agreed to look for the sonvagun, now man up and stop complaining"

Castiel refrained from groaning. Again.

"Why are you here anyways? I doubt just to say Hi" Castiel studied the man.

"You've got two new recruits for the team. Special Agents Anderson and Bradbury"

Recruits? What an interesting time to ADD THIS IN NOW?!!
"Coolio. When do I get to meet 'em"

Bobby raised an eyebrow,"Coolio? You really are going insane aren't you.. Uh and in about five minutes. So act professional." Bobby handed Castiel two thin folders and left.

Castiel had to hold back the high pitched scream growing in his throat.
He rolled up his sleeves to his elbows and loosened his tie, "My team. My way of introducing myself."
He muttered and organized the papers.

At least there was air conditioning in this room. A conference room to be exact.

"I need a long freaken nap after this" Castiel tried to sound excited about this 'nap' he couldn't wait to have, but in reality there was no nap in the near future. With a missing girl and killer on the loose, naps are the last thing on his list.

Castiel waited patiently in his chair until he heard a knock. "Come in" he carefully watched two women come in, both in their definite mid-twenties. One a redhead and the other a brunette. Both of their profiles sat open infront of him.

"Welcome to my team," he glanced down,"Agents Bradbury and Anderson. We- as you know. We'll be working on the Cain killer case, my name is-"

"Castiel. Castiel Novak is your name. I know." The redhead cut in, but turned bright red when Castiel raised an eyebrow.
"I-I mean, you're special agent Novak, one of the most well known officials in the state."
Castiel became amused at her interesting words. Yes, he was known, but he definitely wasn't the bragging type.

"I enjoy your enthusiasm, Bradbury, but I will not accept interruptions. I'd like to make myself clear on that."

Both the brunette and redhead nodded in understanding, but even then when Castiel was about to continue, someone barged into the room.

"Package for you, sir. Urgent."
Kevin, a young boy was holding out a small black box which really did baffle Castiel.

He was fast to take it and set it down on the table, excusing Kevin with not so much as a simple goodbye.

"You going to open it?" The brunette known as Hannah suggested and Castiel tried not to glare up at her.

He opened the lid to see a disk in the center and a pink sticky note ontop of it,

"Hope you enjoy, Agent. ;)"

He carefully read the note over a few times before sliding the disk box into the only TV in the room. The lights were dimmed and everyone sat quietly, waiting, watching.

Instantly the video began with a room, a bloody one, and old. in the center was a woman who was restrained down to a table, a man coming into view a few seconds after. He wore an apron with a simple mask to hide his face.

You could hear her screams as he used a switch blade to cut her her tounge first, and then he began to create more wounds to the girl. Castiel couldn't help but let a of feeling is of disgust wash over him as he sat and watched the entire thing.

This man, whoever he was, he had nothing in him. Not even a peep came out of his mouth throughout the process.

Eventually her screams died off and the last piece was her head, then the screen went black and what followed in bold letters Made Castiel's emotions sway.

Lisa Braeden- #40

This continued for a good thirty seconds until Five lines of three number pairs appeared on the screen.

"Coordinates" Charlie, the redhead. Mumbled, she herself was holding back her own disgust.

"Get us a car, let's go."

Castiel snapped out of whatever sick spell he was in. "Hannah, ask Kevin to trace back the box, we will talk to the press tomorrow. This could be a break through. Our secret killer sent us his own little tape."

Castiel lifted up the note, "Asshole."

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