Chapter Five~

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(Agent P.O.V)

It had been two days since he last got any sign of anything. Castiel had gone to a few bars in the area in search for maybe video footage of the night Lisa went missing. If Benny wasn't lying then Castiel should have found something, but so far nada.

Not a single clip of her, but all these thoughts were brushed aside when someone seemingly bumped into Castiel.

"I'm sorry." The woman smiled, holding a wine glass in her hand.
Castiel brushed her off, giving her the impression of bad manners, but Castiel could care less about what this woman thought right now.

He made his way to the bathroom and shut it behind him.

He didn't have to use it, but the people beyond the door scared him.
Yes, he had his fair share of social anxiety when it came to being outside of work.

When Bobby told him it was going to be a dinner, he didnt expect a fucking party.

There were coworkers and people Castiel didn't know attending this dinner or whatever the fuck it was.

Castiel washed his hands even if they were already clean, just in hopes to pass the time.

He was wearing a suit, but it wasn't anything fancy. Just a simple black suit with a black tie to match. The gun resting peacefully in an Appendix Carry Hostler.
It was out of sight as to not raise alarm, but he always had an armed weapon in case of something going wrong.

"Castiel. Are you alright in there?"
Ellen knocked lightly and waited patiently on the other side.

"Yes, Ellen. Is there a problem?"

"No, but that friend of ours has arrived, will you be long in there?"

Castiel could feel his stomach tighten and all of sudden breathing became a hard task.

He didn't know why he'd come in the first place. It could have been avoided if he stayed home with Ginger. Right now he could be reading with a nice cup of tea.

"I'll be out soon. Thank you for telling me, Ellen."

There were no more words exchanged, but Castiel wasn't sure if he could actually leave the bathroom.
This was so stupid. He was going to be set up with someone? He wasn't a teenager...

He just stood there for what seemed like a few hours longer, but maybe just a few minutes.

Finally. Once he had enough courage he left the bathroom.

He felt like sixteen again, his friends trying to set him up with some unknown woman (not knowing he was gay.) This was gonna end bad..
When he got a hold of himself it came to him that he had forgotten to ask Ellen where they were gonna be.. Fuck.

Castiel skimmed room after room. Until- AHA.

In the dining room area, a group of adults.
Ellen, Bobby, Kevin, and some guy who had his back turned to Castiel.

He had a suit on, almost like Castiel, but his was a dark shade of gray.
From the back, Castiel could easily tell this man was built. Good posture and just what Castiel would expect a god to look like. ((Atleast from the back))

When Ellen spotted Castiel she smiled,
"Finally, you're here. Meet our close friend we've been talking about."

Castiel put on a the realist smile he could muster and was about to begin his Introduction. Until the guy turned around and holy shit.

Castiel's Confidence or any of it he still managed to have fell to his ass.
The man he made eye contact with seemed as surprised as he did, but he unlike Castiel he was able to hide it with a grin.

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