"Sorry, what?" My eyes flicker to his lips, and when he licks them I feel myself get a little woozy. No, no, no, no, no. This cannot be happeining! I AM STRAIGHT! Oh God, I need to get away from Kayden before I do something stupid that I may regret later on.

So I do the only logical thing I can do in this situation.

I run.


When I am far away from the bathroom in which Kayden is in, I slump against the wall and craddle my head in my hands.

Why am I realizing this now, after seventeen years of life? I have liked girls, still do, I think... But I cannot be gay!

There is no way. A guy with another guy? Ew, gross.

"Hey," I look up and see Darren leaning against the wall. "What's the matter, you only come out here when you have a problem." Darren slides down the wall and sits next to me, concern in his eyes.

Darren and I have been best friends forever. As long as I can remember, Darren has always been my partner in crime, my right hand man, my side kick. I love him so much and I can tell him anything.

So I tell him something that tumbles out of my mouth before I have time to think about what I'm saying. 

"I think I'm gay,"

Kayden's POV:

What did I do this time? I was literally minding my own business, just wondering what he was staring at, when he takes off like I am disease infested.

So much for a fresh start...

I hop into my car, tears starting to form in my eyes as I stick the key in the ignition. All I need now is for someone to know I'm gay, then I'm really done for.

This video is going to spread like a wildfire, and by the time school starts back up again on Monday, I am going to be the laughingstock of Hendlton High.

"You are such a fuck up," I say to myself as I pull out of the Kendler's driveway. A driveway I know I will never see again because Sam hates me or something.

Ugh, why does my life have to be so difficult? I get that people have much more difficult lives than I do, but being a seventeen year old gay guy who just had a video released of him calling himself sexy is pretty damn horrible in my eyes.

"Hey," I hear a voice come from my backseat that makes me scream like a little girl and nearly hit a tree. Holy shit, there is someone in my car, and they are going to kill me.

I send a quick prayer to God, begging for him to spare my life, and turn around slowly to see a guy with bright purple hair staring back at me.

"Wh-what do you want?" I shake with terror and fear, fear that seems to make the boy grab my shoulder and give me a warm smile.

"Dude, chill," The purple hair boy laughs and keeps his hand on my shoulder, making this more awkward then terrifying. "Sorry man, I may or may not have gotten drunk and fell asleep in your car." When he says that, it's then that I notice his words are slurred and semi-slow.

Oh great, I have a drunk person in the back of my car who looks like he wants to devour me by the way his eyes are scanning my body up and down.

"Woooooow," The guy leans in close to my ear, making it extremely difficult to concentrate on driving. "You are really fucking hot. You're gay, right?"

Well hell, is it that obvious? The guy with purple hair moves closer to me and takes my ear in his mouth, causing a squeak to tumble from my lips.

"What a-are you do-do-" I am cut off as I moan when he bites right under my ear then licks it. Fucking hell, what is going on? This night could not get any more worse.

I Think I'm Gay (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now