Big Trouble, Little Beacontown

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[The Blaze Rods arrive on a village near Beacontown, an villager and father of a family goes out to face them with a single iron sword.]

Man: We're good people! We have nothing to give you! -states the frightened man

Aiden: Your village is surrounded! Kneel before your new Emperor! -demands the Quiet One

Man: We will never kneel! Our people have already taken up arms! We will fight, if need be!

Romeo: Taken up arms? -questions the enraged admin

Aiden: These people know not of your power, my Emperor. [he kneels to his emperor] Show them! Show all of them how to kneel! -says the boy, as he kneels to his idol and tells him to accomplish the plan

[Romeo raises his arms, he begins to use telekinesis, (similar to Gill when he uses the Ender pearl of Deceptionhe lifts up thousands of rocks near the village, and all of sudden, the rocks start to become pure prismarine, they all come together, forming a massive Prismarine Colossus like the one from season 2. ]

Man: Please, forgive us, Emperor Romeo. -says the frightened man as he kneels before his new Emperor and witness the creation of a Prismarine Collossus making huge monstrous roars

[Back at Beacontown, on Jack and Nurm's Adventure Emporium, Jesse and the new Order of the Stone are preparing to leave the city in order to go to the Forest Prison, not knowing that The Blaze Rods are no longer there and heading towards the city of beacons]

Lukas: Did we get everything?

Ivor: I believe so!

Jesse: Then were ready!

[they're about to leave, but they stop when they feel a strong tremor on the floor, souding like giant stomps and the shop they're in shakes]

Lukas: What was that ? 

[They go outside and see everyone running. Petra stops someone.]

Petra: What is it? What happened? 

Citizen: If you see it, run! -warns the scared man as he runs away 

[the gang then see a building with smoke coming out of it, implying something attacked it.]

Olivia: What could do that? 

Ivor: Only a being of great size! 

[They see a building fall.]

Jesse: Come on! 

[they desperately run throught the large city at night, bumping into several people fleeing the threat, and it also starts to rain]

[they manage to climb up on a building, to see better what was attacking the city, and for their surprise, it was Romeo using a Prismarine Colossus to cause destruction]

Radar: Sweet armageddon! 

Lukas: Oh man, this one is bigger then the previous 

Olivia: We need to stop it before anyone gets hurt!

Jesse: Were losing it! -states the leader as they begin to go after the colossal beast

[In the center of the city, Reginald, who came to Beacontown to help, gets shocked upon seeing The Colossus standing in front of them, his guards are preparing their bows and arrows to shoot the thing]

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