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[Aiden is locked up in an interrogation room. While his gang was sent to an maximun security prison located near Beacontown.the boy is devastated, so much planned by him to be all thrown away by his arch-enemy]

Reginald: Has he talked yet?

Guard: He hasn't given us squat. They don't call him the Quiet One for nothing. -says the guard as he looks to Aiden

[An explosion occurs]

Guard#1: No, it can't be— -a frightened guard gets attacked by an incoming threat

Guard#2: Sir, watch out! -warns an terrorized guard,upon seeing his captain getting thrown across the room by the familiar red glowing threat

 [Reginald is thrown across the room and hits the wall of the interrogation scares Aiden,]

Romeo: Aaaaiiiiideeeen. -the threat revealed to be the reborn Admin begins to call his resuscitator by the door, who turns his head to the interrogation room's door

Aiden: You're free! Now free me! -he demands, surprised and happy that his ultimate goal of ressurrecting his idol was complete.

{This idolatration that Aiden had for Romeo was born when he was under custody in the catacombs from Isa's new palace beneath Sky City, he heard two guards talking about the whole ordeal from season 2, especially the Admin part, Aiden was fascinated by the story, mostly in the parts where the Admin would always harm Jesse in the many ways he could imagine, locking him up in the sunshine institute, taking over Beacontown disguised as Jesse himself, and attacking the city with a prismarine giant, this made Aiden see him almost as a father and savior, motivating him to regroup the Blaze Rods and turn them into a biker gang, he had much time to plan his revenge against the new order of the stone and especially against Jesse.}

[The new order of the stone is celebrating their victory against the Blaze Rods, Jesse however, is still upset for believing in Aiden and getting betrayed by him]

Harper: You cared for him, didn't you? -asks the old woman to the boy

Jesse: What does it matter?

Harper: It mattered to you. Bruises go away. Bones break and heal. But getting your heart broken? Take time to mourn, but don't let it destroy you. If you bury what's good about you beneath a hard shell, you'll turn out no better than Aiden. -she consoles him

Jesse: Olivia, cut the music! -he sees news on the TV that intrigates him

News female reporter:[on TV] ...Okay. I'm getting verification the prisoner that was freed was the recently-apprehended leader of the militant biker gang calling themselves "The Blaze Rods", know as Aiden. Security footage caught the two on video. [A clip shows Aiden and Romeo escaping from the jail.]

[everyone is paralyzed to see who is accompanying Aiden]

Ivor: That looks like...[gasps]

Jesse: That...That's impossible.-desperately states the boy

Lukas: Could be anyone!

Olivia: But he is glowing red!

Jesse: We stopped the ceremony, didn't we? -asks the desperate boy to Harper, who is surprised as well

Ivor: I'm telling you that's not him. If that's The Admin, heh, I'm Ninja of the Jig.

Guard#3: [On TV] That's-That's when he said "Kneel before The Administrator."-says the interviewed guard trembling with fear

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