The Quiet One

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[Aiden and Jesse get into the Ender temple,which guards the Ender Pearl of Hatred, they passed trought lots of traps, but stopped when a door was blocking their way]

Jesse:[trying to open the stone doorUgh...It...won'!

Aiden: Wait!

Jesse: What is it?

Aiden: When you and your friends were facing the Admin, he stucked an gauntlet in your hand didn't he?

Jesse: Yeah...?

Aiden: So, i've been thinking about it, if the gauntlet belonged to Romeo, and he was an Admin, then the gauntlet must have had Admin powers as well! That means...

[Jesse gets shocked]

Jesse: I have his powers...? No, it can't be, i__would have known...i_

Aiden: Jesse, you have his powers! You can break trought the door!

Jesse: But i...just found out about am i supposed to activate them?

Aiden: I don't know, try to focus on them, think on them, and aim it to the wall!

Jesse: [He brings his hands closer to one otherLet's hope you're right...

[he focuses with all his strength, and his hands start to form an green energy ball, which he directs to the stone wall blocking their way, when it hits the wall, it begins to crumble and gets demolished in front of them]

Aiden: Whoa! That's so cool!

[They go inside]


[Meanwhile, the Blaze Rods are all laughing at the New Order of The Stone's predicament, who were all chained in the middle of the ship]

Blaze Rods: Hahahahahahahaha!!!

Axel: What are you guys laughing at?

Gill: Isn't it obvious? Now, where's your leader?

Axel: Ha, like we'll ever tell you!

Ivor: Uh, Axel, you don't argue with a man who haves a higher upper hand against you!

BR Biker: The White Pumpkin found them!

Gill: Good eye, White Pumpkin, the Ender Temple is only 50 miles North of here! Set a course to the Quiet One!

Lukas: You don't have to call him that! We know it's Aiden!

Blaze Rods: [they all giggle]

Radar: Do you guys have any idea of what you're doing? He's planning on ressurrecting Romeo, the Administrator!

Blaze Rods: [They all share questionable expressions in their faces]

Radar: I'm gonna guess, you never had the chance to meet him?

Gill: No, but we look forward for it! hehehe

Olivia: With our experience of a bad guy trying to summon an evil entity, it didn't end well for him!

Petra: Yeah, just ask Ivor! He knows how it is!

Ivor: I unfortunately do...

Maya: Hum, then it's a good thing the Quiet One isn't a bad guy, but a bad boy, hehehe!

Minecraft:Story Mode Season 3 Fan fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora