The Ender Pearls

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Hey guys, just to let you all know, the Blaze Rods are a biker gang and i abreviate their name as "BR",ok?-Author

[When Aiden, Lukas and Jesse arrive at the Old Order's temple,they met with Axel, Olivia, Petra and Radar, who were talking about the heist at the treasure hall in Beacontown]

Olivia: Did someone got hurt?

Radar: A few guards got killed, we saw their inventories, that's why i came runnig here, to alert you guys!

Petra: Look it's Jesse and Lukas

Petra: And...Aiden?...

All(except Radar): AIDEN?!?!?!?

They all draw their weapons

Jesse: Guys wait,he's with us!

Lukas: Yeah,he's no longer our enemy, he ditched the Blaze Rods and wanted to be a member of the New Order of the Stone.

Aiden: That's right...

Olivia: Now that's a surprise...

Petra: This is more surprising then the raid at the Treasure hall!

Lukas,Jesse and Aiden: WHAT?!?!?

Jesse: But...How?There were guards and...wait, who raid it?

Axel: The group that your new friend says he ditched, like we would believe him

Radar: Yes Jesse, they were in a large group and they...killed the guards...

Jesse: What...?

Petra: Were sorry...

Jesse: I...what did they stole?

Axel:An relic that we got a few months ago...some pearl

Ivor:[Sneaks behind them]Not some pearl...


Petra: Ivor you bundle!!!

Lukas: Where did you even came from?

Ivor: A ninja never reveals his secrets, you should know that

Jesse: Wait do you know something about the Pearl that The Blaze Rods stole?

Ivor: Yes,it's not just a normal Pearl, it's one of three Pearls called:The Ender Pearls

Olivia: Ender Pearls already exist and are pretty rare actually...

Ivor: They're not some normal warping pearls, these three main Ender Pearls were created by the Admin know as Fred, by the usage of Ender powers, each one have powers that can be given to it's wearers, if they place the Pearls in their bodies, they gain the power of revenge, the power to deceive and the power to hate.

Axel: What if the Blaze Rods get all three?

Ivor: You must not let that happen!

All(except Jesse Lukas and Aiden): WHY?

Ivor: Ressurrection...

Jesse: They would have the power to bring back...The Admin!

All: Gasp!!!

Petra: Can...they really do that?

Ivor: I'm afraid yes!

Radar: We have to stop them!

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