Chapter 09 - Deep into Europe

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They attended the discreet funeral of the Genovese navigator. Wythuya will not comment on Paititi, or on the unusual contact with Vincente Pinzon years ago with Américo Vespucio. Despite the priceless appreciation he cultivated for his friend, he would not break his promise to the icamiaba about the secret of the city's location, And I knew very well what the interests of Europeans were in this incredible civilization lost in the jungles of South America.

There was a new order in Spanish navigation and Américo and Pinzón were responsible for the formation of new navigators under royal orders. They modernized ocean navigation, using new methods of location and global positioning. Pinzón and Whytuya were once again in the same environment. This time, the Spaniard ignored the presence of the Andean man who brought almost nothing of the appearance he had in 1499.

In fact, Whytuia and Pinzon had diametrically opposed interests. The Condor project ended its first phase, the investigation. I needed to hear those words of Columbus, of that first Barbado man to set foot on your continent. He was absolutely certain that the present European conquerors were travelling solely to explore and colonize new horizons. The abhorrence of European interests in American lands disgusted the Andean man.

Américo Vespucio noticed a strange melancholy in Wythuya's behavior and tried to animate the Inca traveler. He knew the foreign friend and knew, in fact, what that representative of the Andean nations in Europe was doing. He realized that Wythuya was seeking information about European expeditions in the New World. He was a kind of ambassador and informant of the Inca. However, with a deep sense of compassion the old man said to the boy:

- Wythuya, before returning to your world you need to know mine. Let's go to Italy, the cradle of culture and modern civilization. From there, I'll have no trouble shipping it to Pindorama or some Caribbean island. From the Italian ports there are many maritime expeditions to the whole world and I know many important people. Trust me. It was a reasonable proposal. After all, it had a deadline and a hope of return near Tahuantinsuyo. In a few days they would embark on a Spanish galleon in Malaga. Americo Vespucci wishes to return home and meet friends, family, and deserved recognition. She was part of the affluent society of Tuscany, her family was influential and would certainly reap many fruits of these incredible adventures in the New World.

They left the port of Malaga in the Christian year 1507. Started sailing the Mediterranean Sea and during the Wythuya sea crossings had time to think about their return to Tiahuanaco and the results obtained with the mission. He had fulfilled the agenda of the Condor Project. He would finally return as he had sworn to Pacha. But the news he would bring would not be beneficial to the Inca Empire.The opposite: there was no solution to European expansion and white man's ambition. The closing of the silk route through the Ottoman Empire only advanced the plans of the Western nations to launch themselves into the open sea, into the uncertain waters of the Atlantic Ocean, to new lands and new sources of wealth. Venice would no longer be the centre of European trade.

A new era was beginning in Europe. The capture of Constantinople by the Turk Mohammed II had marked the beginning of the modern age, the end of the medieval era, of darkness and isolation. The world, finally, was intertwined with culture and the peoples of the East, plus millenary knowledge. The Great Sails of Western Europe would complete the lost links and recover connections in all the longitudes of the planet. The sphericity of the Earth and the discovery of routes for new continents and islands, virgin and depopulated, increased human hope and triggered a change in the way of life of modern man.

In a few days they reached the Balearic Islands. they landed on the idyllic island of Ibiza, on a beach of blue waters, transparent. They stayed for a few days, but then headed to Palma de Mallorca, where they also anchored long enough for supplies to the final destination: Italy.
France and Spain were nations at war. they had to avoid the French coast because they were sailing in Spanish vessels. They traced a route through southern Sardinia. From there, they would arrive in the kingdom of Sicily, whose sovereign was the Spanish King D. Ferdinand of the Aragon. The trip lasted several weeks and Wythuya was impressed by the amount of Roman ruins scattered across the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and almost every island. The Romans were like the Incas.

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