Chapter 08 - Americo Vespucci

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Américo Vespucio complemented Wythuya's learning of Spanish and other human disciplines. One night, the young Andean was with the European friend in the interior of the caravel in which they traveled. They took a Jerez while the old man taught Whytuya to play chess. Américo then spoke:
- My young friend, I confess that I do not understand your purpose, or rather I do not. He says he needs to gather information for the Inca about the potential that exists in their territories and neighboring nations. But what they could get here on this wild and wild coast. By the way, you must remember how we met...

I also have a mission similar to yours, Wythuya. King D. Manuel of the Kingdom of Portugal personally recommended me much attention in this company. But there will be nothing that the sovereign fool expects to find. To him, it will have been a failure! The king is not interested in the human species, animals and vegetables that exist in these wonderful latitudes. He only wants to know if there is gold and silver. And that, it seems, will be hard to find at first.
Américo stopped talking and took a good sip of wine. Wythuya followed his friend's speech with great attention. On the table there was also a draft. The young Inca took the reason to comment something. As he had intimacy with the old man, He had no reservations to speak:

- Sir, what is it, are you writing a book? Who knows, he will be able to write about the things he has seen in this world, about the peoples he has known, and show the European countries that these lands are beautiful, but that they need to be respected, because they have ownership and history.
Questions from the Andean youth were legitimate. But it did not have a favorable solution for the native peoples. Américo Vespucci began the process of colonization of the New World. And that world would soon be renamed with its name, thanks to the literary success of its text, whose content was partially suggested by Wythuya, during that supper on the coast of Brazil.
Vespucci knew that everything would only be a matter of time. But the experienced master was clever enough to circumvent the situation and they kept drinking until they ran out of a few bottles of the red liquid. The Italian trusted his Incan friend completely.

One day, while doing reconnaissance of a peninsula, they were surprised by an unusual event. Suddenly, they were approached by dozens of canoes of an indigenous tribe unknown to Wythuya. The savages rowed with determination toward the ship. As they approached the vessel, they offered many gifts to foreigners, such as fruits, small animals and dried fish. When the navigators lowered their weapons to get the supplies they were surprised by the submerged warriors, of ambush. They were hidden under the canoes and threw spears and sharp stones at the sailors in a sudden attack.

They barely got on board and took the ship. The artillery managed to fight off the gang with many shots and blows of swords.
Copa and Tremembé had to wield their swords and fight for life since they fought with dozens of savages while during the assault of the caravel. They were especially rewarded with a gallon of wine and two days off.
While they were still working on the northeast coast of Pindorama, there was another time when they found themselves again surprised by the local people. This time, on the bar of a great river, they were invited to land by another nation unknown by the crew of the ships. They made friendly gestures and tried to communicate. Understanding that the sailors refused to leave the vessel, gave a seductive answer. The next morning, a large canoe was offered to foreigners, this time without any tricks or ambushes.

The tribe offered a dozen young women with the aim of calming the wrath of the gods, because they believed they were those sailors, their direct emissaries. Vespucci did not accept the gift under many crew protests, but they could not take more risks. The departure to Portugal was scheduled for the next moon.
They continued to investigate and map the coast of Pindorama as they prepared for the great ocean crossing. Wythuya narrowed his ties with Vespucci. I needed it to go to Europe. The Condor project was back on schedule, but an important moment had come. There would be no way to take Copa and Tremembé with him. The first would have to go back to Cuzco and take all the information collected during these two solar cycles; the second would have to find another direction.

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